On becoming the bionic woman-
Chalk it up to talent, I guess...
On Saturday morning, at approximately 8:45 am, I slipped on a patch of ice that shouldn't have been there. We hadn't gotten a snow in 2 days and the walks LOOKED clear, so after I got down the stairs and tested the first patch of concrete, I just walked normally toward my car. Two steps, and I was flat on my rear, leg broken. I called 911 (thank God for cellphones) and one of the EMTs almost fell on the same clear icy patch. I broke my leg in three places, all very near or in the ankle, shattered part of my tibia and tore a couple of ligaments. I now have a plate and 9 screws in my ankle (I'm rapidly becoming more and more like the bionic woman, lol, that makes 21 screws and 3 titanium plates in my body now) and was taught today how to walk up and down stairs on crutches.
I had a nervous breakdown when she was trying to teach me to step down the stairs. I already have a near phobia about walking down stairs, add a broken leg and crutches to the equation and you have a bawling, shaking Ann.
Anyway... that's the update. I'm still in the hospital, but the doctor thinks I should be able to be released tonight. Long live Lortab!
I'm still here.
QOTD: Faye- "Thanks, but I think all I need right now is a good cry."
Sven- "Jeez, was I that bad?"
Faye- "What? No no no no no. Noooooo sir."
Sven- "Haha, ok. You were pretty damn good yourself." *long pause* "Race you upstairs?"
Faye- "Sure. Beats cryin'."
-Questionable Content; No. 1083
Unknown "Boobarella:- P" Peaceful
- 17 years, 11 days ago