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"In God I Thrust"

Unknown's tales
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"4 days, 20 hours, 1 minutes ago
One of your pets escaped :/ You were refunded 4999 points (75% of the value). "

Who escaped dammit? :-p
Unknown "In God I Thrust" Crazy - 16 years, 4 months, 15 days ago
"Religions are divisive and quarrelsome. They are a form of one-upmanship because they depend upon separating the "saved" from the "damned," the true believers from the heretics, the in-group from the out-group. Even religious liberals play the game of "we're-moretolerant-than-you." Furthermore, as systems of doctrine, symbolism, and behavior, religions harden into institutions that must command loyalty, be defended and kept "pure," and - because all belief is fervent hope, and thus a cover-up for doubt and uncertainty - religions must make converts. The more people who agree with us, the less nagging insecurity about our position. In the end one is committed to being a Christian or a Buddhist come what may in the form of new knowledge. New and indigestible ideas have to be wangled into the religious tradition, however inconsistent with its original doctrines, so that the believer can still take his stand and assert, "I am first and foremost a follower of Christ/Mohammed/Buddha, or whomever." Irrevocable commitment to any religion is not only intellectual suicide; it is positive unfaith because it closes the mind to any new vision of the world. Faith is, above all, open-ness - an act of trust in the unknown."

Unknown "In God I Thrust" Crazy - 16 years, 5 months, 25 days ago

We are the cause of a world thats gone wrong,
Nature will survive us human dogs after all.

Unknown "In God I Thrust" Crazy - 16 years, 7 months, 24 days ago
1. Mind is everything. Nothing exists but mind. Mind creates everything, from the atom to the cosmos, from a blade of grass to a grain of sand, from an elephant to a flower and the scent of the flower. Your feelings, objects you see, your body, your aches and pains are all mind stuff. Everything is mind; everything!

2. From deep sleep, mind arises and you dream, dreamed self and objects. All is mind-only.

3. Yet mind does not exist. It only has an apparent shadow-like existence. Mind is just uncoordinated thoughts floating in an imaginal space, that only appears to be a unity, a wholeness. Mind is thoughts only; imaginal thoughts in imaginal space. They have a dream-stuff quality when you see them clearly.

4. Thoughts do not exist even though they appear to. By non-existence, I mean they have no tangibility, no solidity, no permanence, just like a dreamed body or dreamed people. They have a dream quality when you observe them closely.

5. When you awaken from a dream, the dreamed images disappear and you know they were not real; they had an imaginal quality only.

6. So too does the waking dream disappears when the mind is seen to be imagination only.

7. Mind has one central thought, which is the thought I. It is that I thought that one refers to all day long as me, or I. There is no I that the I Thought refers to. None. That is, there is no object that is I existing separate from other objects, people, places and things. There is no ego that the I thought refers to although it feels that way before awakening.

8. There is only an I thought. It is like a name with no person that name points to. You think Jerry (I) exists but there is no Jerry (I).

9. The I is the I-thought only. It has no existence in itself except as a thought, yet all other thoughts appear to be connected to the I-thought. I thought is the lynch-pin. Without the I thought having an apparent reality, the world too is seen as having no reality. I is the apparent subject, the world the apparent object, but neither exist without the other. Both are imagination.

10. You do not exist; that is the great discovery. There is no I or ego that exists. There is no me. The I-thou is a false duality. Me, you is a duality. Inward and outward is a duality. All dualities depend on the reality of I-Thou, I vs. World.

11. When you recognize you do not exist, the world immediately disappears also.

12. When you realize you are not the mind, no thing, you realize you do not exist as a person, then you realize that “all that is” does not exist either. No thing exists. It is all a dream created by mind.

13. You can hear this a million times, but until this is your experience, it is only your concept of what an I-less state is like. That is, it is a belief, an idea.

14. In this realization, there is a recognition that there is nothing to do. There is no decision to make. You are responsible for nothing. You, as an apparent mind and body, no longer have anything to do. God does everything; you do nothing.

15. All human problems come from the belief you are a separate body-mind. Once you see you do not exist in this way, great and restful peace comes. There is nothing for you to do, because He/It does everything.
Unknown "In God I Thrust" Crazy - 16 years, 8 months, 6 days ago

Imagine this:

You wake up in a dark room with no memory.

No memory at all.

You don't remember your name, your friends, your family, your interests, your job, your hobbies.
You don't remember what you look like, your gender.
You don't remember what the world looks like outside of this room.
You don't even remember there is a world.
You don't remember anything at all.

All you know is this dark room. You don't even know this is a room, all you see is darkness.

Now, before doing anything else ask yourself this question:

"Who am I?"

Unknown "In God I Thrust" Crazy - 16 years, 9 months, 22 days ago
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your tales have been utd

You have been given Thumbs.
Crafted by Unknown
Unknown "UNBAN ME SILLY" Naughty - 16 years, 4 months, 8 days ago

You have been given There's no Tree without Wisdom.
Crafted by Elise the Red Fox
JO'N "MillionHolder" - 16 years, 4 months, 12 days ago

You have been given ım dangerıous.
BLACK CAT THE VAMPIRE "My cRaZy baBy" GAME OVER..BY - 16 years, 4 months, 13 days ago

You have been given A Sweet Hello.
Crafted by Toni the Tigress
Kris10 "⭐" Carefree - 16 years, 4 months, 13 days ago

You have been given A Vulcan mind meld.
Crafted by Unknown
Kaarina "Bird of Paradise" Adored - 16 years, 4 months, 14 days ago
andrew jacobs
andrew jacobs " Achilles" Loving - 16 years, 4 months, 14 days ago
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