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Unknown | - Free online hangout and friends
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Unknown owns this human at 61316 points.


Unknown, 33/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:1:36 AM
Join date:17 years, 2 months, 19 days ago
Location: East Bay,CA United States

"Everyone knows were strange. "
About me:
Hello Its Christine Here, I'm a very complex person and someone who your never bored with. I can be so random, crazy and silly. Warm and giving- always here when you need me. I love to give advice and hugs. When people 1st met me they don't know what to think and they are overwhelmed. But once they get to know me they find I'm great! I love meting new people, and I'm VERY outgoing/loud. Though I enjoy learning very much so and reading. Also being able to have conversations about politics and such I enjoy very much. I'm very mature for my age, well in most ways since I've been through a whole lot of strange things in my life. If you want to know just ask. God has always helped me and guided me through everything and I am oh so blessed. I am not much of a church/bible person but more of a music/nature/being with people person when it comes to feeling gods persence. I Love Nature so much, it calms me..mostly water: the ocean, rivers or waterfalls. I'm a very driven person, if I want something I usaly get it. I work very hard in school, and am exicted for a new adventure in college starting in fall of 2009! I'm a senior now at antioch high, and I hope to enjoy every second I can with my friends. Also, I do not do/like drugs or drinking. Thanks for reading. <3 c
About you:
My soul mate where it be as a friend or lover.
Looking for: Friendship and dating
Orientation: Bi
Herds (lead): Bi sexuals Of Human Pets!
Herds: Sex Kittens, Nerds are Sexy, Gay Herd!, *Bi and Lesbian Girls*, Big Girls Are Beautiful, Lesbian/Bi Furballs, Matt's Point Stockade, I could be a Pansexual!, Saif Thumb!!, BBW (Big Beautiful Women), BDSM Teenagers
Unknown's tales
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anybody want some free points?
Unknown "O.O" Carefree - 16 years, 11 days ago
woot, its the weekend..I'm so glad!

Had my govt final yesterday, and have the rest starting tuesday.
Thank god for 3 day weekends...for reals.

ha ha.

Anyways, everything is swell here.

Unknown "O.O" Carefree - 16 years, 1 month, 5 days ago
Hello everyone,
Life is great!
Finals are next week, and the internship is going well.

Unknown "O.O" Carefree - 16 years, 1 month, 8 days ago
Life has truley changed for me. I feel so amazing, life is a complete 180. Even through I slip but sometimes I am happy and proud of myself.
I wish everyone could love life and see all its beauty!

Goodbye drama, hello life!

Unknown Unknown
Unknown "O.O" Carefree - 16 years, 1 month, 13 days ago
Woot, its 2009..It came so fast. It's been amazing so far and I know it will contuine to.
Things to come in 2009 for me:
Graduating high school
turning 18
starting college

Unknown "O.O" Carefree - 16 years, 1 month, 19 days ago
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Gone Baby Gone
Happy Valentine's Day!!!!!
Sending some Valentines Love.... You have been given Sending some Valentines Love.....
Crafted by Unknown
Gone Baby Gone - 16 years, 7 days ago
Miss Gracie
  ♥Roses to Brighten Your Day You have been given ♥Roses to Brighten Your Day .
Crafted by Mike
Miss Gracie - 16 years, 8 days ago
Steve Du Bourg
I want points!!! :P
Steve Du Bourg "Addictive" - 16 years, 11 days ago
Alexander Graesser
random comment #22) *converted into pure energy* You have been converted into pure energy
Alexander Graesser "Flambeaux" gone! - 16 years, 19 days ago
Damian Shaw
Uh, I'm o.k thanks, been a bit of a rough last couple of months but mostly stuff I can put behind me. Sorry for not keeping in contact, I'm really bad at that sort of thing :/
Damian Shaw "Inochi Urimasu" Confused - 16 years, 27 days ago
oh cool, whats it in?
Unknown "LocalLoverNFS" Cheeky - 16 years, 1 month, 4 days ago
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Unknown's shop
Going out of bussiness sale!


I'm leave Hp and so is my shop!

everything is under 130 points

Rainbow Rose!
1 use

125 pts
Rainbow Rose!
Bought by 125 people
Very sexy rain kissing.
1 use

120 pts
 Very sexy rain kissing.
Bought by 141 people
A rose of friendship.
1 use

110 pts
 A rose of friendship.
Bought by 92 people
1 use

115 pts
Bought by 83 people
Sharing with my lovely pet!
1 use

120 pts
Sharing with my lovely pet!
Bought by 14 people
a whole lot of ice cream for you
1 use

107 pts
a whole lot of ice cream for you
Bought by 12 people
I want you.
1 use

120 pts
I want you.
Bought by 41 people
Mmm...I wanna kiss you.
1 use

120 pts
Mmm...I wanna kiss you.
Bought by 27 people
I'll make you happy...
1 use

120 pts
I'll make you happy...
Bought by 49 people
Sexy girl kiss.
1 use

120 pts
Sexy girl kiss.
Bought by 135 people
Steamy girl kissing.
1 use

120 pts
Steamy girl kissing.
Bought by 96 people
A beautiful swim.
1 use

110 pts
A beautiful swim.
Bought by 10 people
Because your beautiful...
1 use

115 pts
Because your beautiful...
Bought by 88 people
Kiss me twice I'm bisexual!
1 use

108 pts
Kiss me twice I'm bisexual!
Bought by 67 people
I want to wake up next to you.
1 use

115 pts
I want to wake up next to you.
Bought by 82 people

Most recent customers:
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"Captain Mat"
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Kindness, Joy & Love ❤️
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"My Lovely Wifey"
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Mr Ghost
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Tess Hamilton-Miller
Tess Hamilton-Miller
"Tess tastic"
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The Witcher
The Witcher
"Bam bam"
1795862 pts
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