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Herds (lead): Saucy Wench's Herd
Herds: Matt's Mischief & Mayheim, Thumb this, Trent's Herd, Matt's THUMB Shack

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Unknown's tales
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A Small Rant Against Sealing Protesters

Okay, so what I'm about to write likely isn't going to make me lots of friends, but I feel the need, in this season of hearing tons on the news of rants against the East Coast Canada seal hunt, to address this.

Living on the West Coast now, in urban, spoiled, temperate Vancouver, I hear lots of people rant on about the horrible seal hunt.

Now, when I hear this from vegan folks, who also decline to wear any animal products as well as eat meat, okay, I don't necessarily agree with their viewpoint, but I get why they're complaining.

But when I hear folks making nasty comments about the seal hunt, as they wear their leather shoes, leather gloves, leather jackets, and munch on steak, pork, chicken, and salmon, I think, where, honestly, do you get off.

The thing is, seals are cute. They're cute as hell. Most Newfoundlanders and other East Coast fishers and sealers will grant you that, yes, they're cute as hell. Seals are adorable in a way that cows, well, just can't quite match.

And these sealers aren't going out because they think clubbing seals is a fun thing to do. they aren't cruel deliberately vicious people. They're making a living, they're helping their own fishery, and they EAT the seal meat as well. These people are making a living in a harsh climate and a rough land. These are a warm, vibrant people.

These people have a smaller ecological footprint than many of the people who object to their hunt. Much of what goes on their dinner tables comes from what they have grown, hunted, or traded with neighbours. Unlike many of their detractors, they do not live luxurious lives in large homes with every conceivable modern amenity. These people are also not stupendously wealthy celebrities (don't even get me started on celebrities getting involved in this!).

For folks who go on about cute animals and nasty fur, these seals aren't just hunted for fur. Much of the meat is consumed by the families of those who hunt. Just as we consume steak, and the skins are tanned for our leather. But the source of our steak and leather gloves are hidden from us, everything safely showing up in boxes and clean packages. The media does not seasonally take us on a tour of abbatoirs.

So if you wear leather shoes, coats, belts and gloves, or buy nice leather purses and wallets, or have nice leather floggers and kinky toys, tucked away, I would suggest you consider keeping your mouth shut, when you feel the urge to protest the seal hunt. I am tired of people wearing leather products telling me how damned evil fur is. Honestly. Hypocritical.

And if you eat meat, think twice before you make disparaging comments about people who have to hunt their own, rather than find it handily wrapped in saran in the superstore. Maybe consider trying to hunt for your own food sometime, and skin and dress your own meat. Then think about life for people who need to do this to survive. And maybe get an idea where your lamb and bacon come from ...

And if you're a vegan who chooses not to utilize animal products, well, good for you, that's not always easy. However, consider admiring the tiny ecologic footprint of those who still live the traditional fishery lifestyle. These people lead difficult and challenging lives, and live them thoroughly and with exuberance.

Okay, so that's my rant. I don't see the seal hunt as any different from killing cows, pigs, ostriches, chickens, or cute but tasty lambs and bunnies for food or leather or bunny fur. I'm not cruel. I'm practical, and honest, and I'm trying to live my life without hypocrisy.
Unknown "Chuchundra" Frisky - 16 years, 11 months, 5 days ago

Just a note, my herd, Saucy Wench's Herd, is there if anyone is wanting to leave me extra thumbs. If you do, leave me a post to let me know you thumbed the herd, either in my comments or, if you want to join, in the herd itself, and I will ensure I return the favour. Thanking anyone who thumbs in advance, for helping me maintain and pamper my pets!
Unknown "Chuchundra" Frisky - 17 years, 1 month, 6 days ago
Another except from "The Apocryphal Books of Kate"

The Song of Kate
The Song of Songs, which is Kate's

Verse VII

Bring me a pretty stone from the hills, beloved,
And I will be your casket of jewels.
Bring me a wildflower from the forest, beloved,
And I will be your fragrant garden.
Bring me tender berries from the hedgerows, beloved,
And I will be your sweet repast.
Bring me a seashell from distant shores, beloved,
And I will bear you away on potent tides.
Bring me your love and yourself, beloved,
And I will rule beside you,
Your Queen.
Unknown "Chuchundra" Frisky - 17 years, 1 month, 6 days ago
Another except from "The Apocryphal Books of Kate"

The Song of Kate
The Song of Songs, which is Kate's

Verse VI

My beloved speaks and says to me:
"Arise, my love, my frisky fox,
and come away;
For lo,, the winter of our discontent is past,
the rain and snows are over.
Spring is heralded with blooms on the earth
and an infinity of baby bunnies;
The time of frolicking has come.
Tis the lusty month of May,
with much loving to be done.
All is lusty and vigorous,
teeming with heady waters of the thaw.
Arise, my love, my ripening apple,
and come away."
Unknown "Chuchundra" Frisky - 17 years, 1 month, 6 days ago
Another except from "The Apocryphal Books of Kate"

The Song of Kate
The Song of Songs, which is Kate's

Verse V

I am the triple rose in Persia's garden,
three sweet blossoms to others' one.

As a sugar maple among the trees of the forest,
so is my beloved among young men.
With vast pleasure I curl in his roots' curves,
and his sweet syrup is tasty indeed.
Unknown "Chuchundra" Frisky - 17 years, 1 month, 13 days ago
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Matt Urquhart
Happy Birthday Rattie Girl!
Happy birthday You have been given Happy birthday.
Crafted by Unknown
Matt Urquhart "My Gallant One" Playful - 14 years, 12 months, 1 day ago
Matt Urquhart

A Happy Birthday! You have been given A Happy Birthday!.
Crafted by Unknown
Matt Urquhart "My Gallant One" Playful - 14 years, 12 months, 1 day ago
Regius Draconigena
Oh, and it's almost Twelfth Night!!! Hope you have a joyous Little Christmas!!!

You have been given Happy Twelfth Night!!!.
Crafted by Regius Draconigena
Regius Draconigena "My BfF SpIke" Happy Valentines Blood Blossom! - 16 years, 2 months, 12 days ago
Regius Draconigena
Hey there you!!! Great to see you on HP Tracey!!! Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and a fantastic New Year's Eve!!!!!

You have been given Happy Ne'erday!!!.
Crafted by Regius Draconigena
Regius Draconigena "My BfF SpIke" Happy Valentines Blood Blossom! - 16 years, 2 months, 12 days ago
Regius Draconigena
You have been given Traditional Halloween Turnips..
Crafted by Regius Draconigena
Regius Draconigena "My BfF SpIke" Happy Valentines Blood Blossom! - 16 years, 4 months, 16 days ago
Regius Draconigena
Hi Tracy!!! Hope you had a great Halloween!!!

You have been given Samhain Blessings!!!.
Crafted by Regius Draconigena
Regius Draconigena "My BfF SpIke" Happy Valentines Blood Blossom! - 16 years, 4 months, 16 days ago
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Unknown's shop
The Saucy Wench Emporium

A (for the moment wee) selection of treats and trips from across the wench's known universe for your adored pets.

a chilled Irn Bru!
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250 pts
a chilled Irn Bru!
Bought by 4 people
Lagavulin Single Malt
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200 pts
Lagavulin Single Malt
Bought by 7 people
A Handful of Young Ratties
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300 pts
A Handful of Young Ratties
Bought by 11 people
Bed Privileges
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300 pts
Bed Privileges
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A Trip to Vancouver in Spring
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350 pts
A Trip to Vancouver in Spring
Bought by 34 people
A Celtic Cat of your own.
1 use

300 pts
A Celtic Cat of your own.
Bought by 8 people
Lap Time
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300 pts
Lap Time
Bought by 12 people
Nova Scotia Thistle
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200 pts
 Nova Scotia Thistle
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A Sailing Trip
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325 pts
A Sailing Trip
Bought by 5 people
An Illuminated Manuscript
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350 pts
An Illuminated Manuscript
Bought by 4 people
Scottish Satyr Ale
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350 pts
Scottish Satyr Ale
Bought by 22 people
A Ball and a Pool to Play With
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300 pts
A Ball and a Pool to Play With
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A Trip to London.
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A Trip to London.
Bought by 3 people

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