my name is Kody 53 years old I'm 6'3" I was born with a disability I'm just here to have some fun not to step on anybody's toes or to make enemies and if you don't want me to buy you just tell me okay don't go postal on me please
here is my link to my Facebook page just in case anybody wants to drop by and say hey
okay God bless you all
in a perfect world there would be no evil no bad men people trying to harm each other life short enough without worrying about other crap like who is going to break in who is going to steal copper piping from us who's going to try to shoot us or do bodily harm to us no wonder people get high blood pressure worrying about all that crap it's enough to drive anybody insane Kody H"Sir Knight"Sleepy
- 5 years, 2 months, 1 day ago
Every since I was knee-high to a grasshopper no matter how many times people were mean to me no matter how many times people bullied me no matter how many times people made me feel worthless and no matter how many times people call me every name me in the book plus some no matter how may times people ignored me and made me feel worthless no matter how may times people give me dirty looks and no matter how may times people rubberneck me and made me feel so low that I could walk under a permit ant and matter how lonely I got I always wanted to do that to other people right back at them but that just wouldn't be right a tooth for a tooth is not right two wrong don't make a right just because a person is a butt heads to me doesn't make it right for me to be a butt head to them Someone has to be the bigger man You do not want to bring yourself down to their level just because they are acting immature and acting like a child You don't have to do the same thing Kody H"Sir Knight"Sleepy
- 5 years, 2 months, 1 day ago
how can I find love with a half an inch d----- lol Kody H"Sir Knight"Sleepy
- 7 years, 8 months, 25 days ago
Holy Toledo Buffalo Bills it has sure been a while since the last time I visited this particular website nice to see nothing has changed same old same old is a nice right to being once in a while's something good about filling safe and secure same old same old it gives you a warm fuzzy feeling all over will I wish I had something earth shattering to discuss and talk about but lead a humdrum life nothing earth shattering to report just wanted to check in and see what is going on if anything Kody H"Sir Knight"Sleepy
- 7 years, 10 months, 20 days ago
I was born disabled and some people consider disabled people a problem like people think that people ask to be born that way like it's a disease or something that were born disabled for whatever reason they are disabled for some reason people stay as far away from us as possible like disability can rub off on them like we were asked to be born disabled I don't think anybody asked to be born the way we are they are some people are tall some people are short some people are fat some people skinny some people are gay some are blonde some people are born brunette(I really hope I spelled that word right) but I had just happened to be lucky enough to be born disabled and I have no problem with it whatsoever but for some reason other people do why that's the billion-dollar question I think I did not ask to be born this way I adapt to my situation maybe it's not people that are born different that have the problem maybe it is the rest of the world that has the problem and I think that me being disabled I have no friends whatsoever which is okay with me seriously but I think that people cannot cope with people that are different than they are which I think is rude and crude and totally uncool and rude but that's just me thinking I say to those people get over yourself why can't we all just get along it seems to me that other people cannot be happy unless they are telling other people down and making them feel so bad that they can walk under a pregnant aunt I have been disabled now for 53 years and I'm tired of being disabled I'm tired of being me I'm tired of being around rude and crude people and totally unacceptable Kody H"Sir Knight"Sleepy
- 7 years, 12 months, 1 day ago
welcome each and every one of you to my shop I hope you can find what your looking for if not please tell me in this shop I have a wide selection of things for sale I hope you enjoy your time here shop until you drop LOL please take your time and look around I'm hoping we have what you're looking for and thanks for coming and please come again God bless you all.... today is my first day open so please be patient if you cannot find what your looking for please let me know I will try and stock my shop with multiple things as they come available to me so please be patient I am working as fast as humanly possible thank you for your patience I truly do appreciate your help and patience may God be with you