What follows is so close to the reality that I don't know if we need to laugh or it should scare us:
~Customer - Hello I want to order two pizzas.
*Operator - Thank you for calling Pizza Hut. Can you give me your ID number (NIDN - national ID number), sir?
~Customer - My national identity ... yes, a moment. 6102049998-45-54610.
*Operator - Thanks, Mr. X. I see you live at 1742 Meadowland Drive Tel. 494-2366. Your Lincoln Insurance is 745-2302 and cell number is 266-2566. E-mail address is xson123@home.net Right?
~Client - Mm-yeah .. "But from where do you have all my information?
*Operator - We are bound, like any company, to HSS.
~Client - HSS, what in the world is that?
*Operator - We are linked electronically to Homeland Security System, sir.
~Client - (sighs) Ok, ok! I want to order two pizzas, All-Meat Special.
*Operator - I think it isn't a good idea, sir.
~Customer - What do you mean? Is there a problem with the All-Meat Pizza?
*Operator: - Sir, here it shows that your cholesterol and your blood pressure are too high. According to your medical records, the insurance company will not allow your choice of All-Meat Pizza.
~Customer - What? And what do you recommend than?
*Operator: - You could try Pizza Soybean-fat low. You should like it.
~Customer - What makes you think I'll like it?
*Operator: - Well, it says here on the screen that you were last week at the library and read a book about Soy Recipes.
~Customer - Well, well. Give me two Soy Pizzas then and make them family size.
*Operator - Yes, the XL is suitable for, your wife and your four children, and you can give the leftovers to your two dogs. The total is $ 49.99.
~Client - (yelling in the house) Wife, get my credit card please!
*Operator - I'm sorry sir, but you must pay cash. Your credit card is blocked for exceeding the limit.
~Customer - I'll run to the ATM and get some cash before the pizza will be delivered.
*Operator - I'm sorry sir, but even that will not be possible. I see here that you do not have any money in your account
~Client - Yes, well, never mind. Send the pizzas and I'll find some money until your delivery boy arrives. How long it will take?
*Operator - We're a little late, I'd say about 45 minutes. If you hurry, you can come here to pick up your order personally, after you get the money. On the other hand, is a little embarrassing to carry pizza on the motorcycle.
~Customer - How do you know that I ride a bike?
*Operator: - Well it says here in the vehicle information. You had a car that was taken by the loan company because you failed to pay on time. It also says that the Harley has the payment up to date and that you've filled the gas tank last night.
Client - ***
Operator - I would advise you to be careful with the vocabulary so you don't get in trouble again. I see that you got arrested because you cursed a policeman, then you argued with the judge who gave you 90 days in jail. I see you've only returned to society a few days ago and this is the first pizza you order.
Client -. (Speechless)
Operator - anything else, sir?
Client - Yes, I have a coupon for a 2-liter bottle of Coke for free.
Operator - Sorry, but you need to read better the instructions. The coupon in our ad says that people with diabetes don't qualify ...
Sweety Purring
- 13 years, 9 months, 20 days ago