im so fly like a bug on a plane i make you wet like you standing in the rain diagnosis is insane as i break boundaries like mutilated membranes your boxed in like eyes peering through window panes with shardded pains im the leader and your im my peripheral view like shadows i step on you under-stand this you got a tropical infection like survivours your lost no dedection island or desert i eat you up for fun like de finest like define this i outlined ish and you couldnt even colour it like black and white your blending mixed up..screwed up to get fixed up good luck with that fukc Kimmi "Kimmi is a Mommy"Frisky
- 15 years, 2 months ago
running through this monsoon as i think of you i start to croon to the chopped like a lobotomy your just screwed like your on the bottem of me..see me on the tv with clarity like im laughing at a herse cos death is funny like this verse im speaking backwards to repeat a curse i need change like a walking on my hands to get a standing ovation i cut out my overian to make sure i have no relation ill die for my passion so shoot me now i eat lead to be down im sitting 360 to be around im hiding my face to be found ill be ahead just to be a manic depressaint im crazy sad im crazy mad crzy bad and so i bury my head in my sand to be underground im smelling dope like im a bassett hound call me fred i trid to fall like im an addict i start to scream as i panic pull my hood low pot the metal to my head and pull the trigger slow just to blow me away in the past id rather stay... Kimmi "Kimmi is a Mommy"Frisky
- 15 years, 2 months, 12 days ago