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Indigo's muse | - Free online hangout and friends
kyro owns this human at 630 points.


Indigo's muse

Indigo's muse, 46/Male
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:11:44 AM
Join date:15 years, 3 months, 27 days ago
Location: Los Angeles United States

"Total Human Property of Goddess Heathen..."
About me:
i have found my purpose in life and that is to be the exact piece of human property that my Owner wants me to be. Every word i say and thought that i think will reflect my adoration and love for my Owner. i live to obey my Owner. Her control and guidance bring life to me. As if She created me. Without her Ownership i feel as if i would cease to be. Praying to Her, worshipping Her, performing tasks for Her, sitting and speaking on command... these are some of my favorite things in the world! One day, i hope that i will be able to cook and clean for Her and sign each and every paycheck i have over to Her with absolute joy. i am Her slave. Born and built to serve Her now and forever. And nothing makes me happier than when my Owner extends a downturned palm and pets me on my grateful head. It is so amazing to be Owned by my amazing Goddess, like breathing underwater...
About you:
i have met the only Woman i have ever wanted to meet.... my true Owner. She is powerful, intelligent, witchy and controlling. She knows Her place is on a pedestal and that my place is on the ground beneath Her soles. i live for Her, will die without Her and and happily serve Her with all of my heart. i never imagined that i would find such a perfect Owner or that my slave heart and mind could not only be controlled so easily but also could be nurtured and tailored to Another's will. i am Her puppet and pet and plan to spend the rest of my life curled up at Her divine feet. Mmmm... heaven on earth :)
Looking for: Friendship and dating
Orientation: Straight
Herds: Lesbian Slave's Harem, MASTER / MISTRESS / slave / sub, F0R THE L0VE 0F CAYLA ^_^, Mistress Chae's Slave Labour, Emily's sex slaves, xMaster-Mistress/slavex, Happiness In Slavery, Witches Brew, HP's most beautiful profile page
Indigo's's tales
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Indigo's muse
I woke up today thinking of one thing and only one thing... my Goddess. She is my sun and day and though i am thousands of miles away from Her, I could nearly hear Her voice softly calling to me this morning. It is the most amazing sound I have ever heard. A Siren's song, hypnotic and true, I was drawn from my slumber and led to my keyboard to type these words of praise to the Deity who allows me the honor of worshipping at Her perfect feet. I think of rainbows, and spells and bottomless wells of submission and docility. My Goddess...
Indigo's muse "Kyro's" Inspired - 15 years, 3 months, 5 days ago
Indigo's muse
A posting for my Goddess... celebrating my Owner.

"The war I remember, the first in the world,
When the gods with spears had smitten Gullveig,
And in the hall of Hár had burned her,
Three times burned, and three times born,
Oft and again, yet ever she lives.

Heid they named her when she came to the house,
The wide-seeing witch, in magic wise;
She performed seið where she could worked seið in a trance,
To evil women she was always a joy."
Indigo's muse "Kyro's" Inspired - 15 years, 3 months, 6 days ago
Indigo's muse
i cannot believe the amazing fortune i have experienced. i believe that i am under the spell of a Witchy Goddess and under the control of a Woman more powerful than i ever could imagine in my wildest dreams. i have known most of my life that i was built to be a slave. It is my nature to serve Women and it took me quite a bit of time to embrace it. Things have been so much easier since i accepted my role and have decided to by my true self. My amazing Goddess recently instructed me to be true to myself. i can do this now. And i can also be true to my Owner. i can keep a clean home for Her, cook healthy, tasty meals for Her, have a warm towel straight from the dryer when She steps out of the shower, administer proper manicures and pedicures and relaxing and firm full body massages. i can provide Her with an executive clipping service where i rabbit ear and paper clip sections of papers and magazine which She would enjoy. i can have Her favorite music softly playing in the morning when She awakens from Her peaceful slumber and feels my warm breath on Her toes and my soft thumbs kneading the morning stress out of Her soles. i can pray to my Savior and serve Her and worship Her in the way that She should be worshipped. i can do anything as long as my Goddess keeps me safe at Her feet, where i am most content, pondering rainbows and a life of contentment and freedom through absolute and complete slavery.
Indigo's muse "Kyro's" Inspired - 15 years, 3 months, 6 days ago
Indigo's muse
Sometimes i cannot believe what an idiot i can be. My amazing Goddess... wait, amazing is not the word. Divine, perfect, powerful Goddess is trying to do what's best for me and i completely screwed it up and acted like an idiot. Please, oh please oh please forgive such a stupid pet. This is the problem with pets. We start to think and we shouldn't be thinking at all. We should be fetching and cuddling up next to Our Owner's feet and we should be waiting for a command like a person deep underwater rushes to the top to pull a breath into their lungs. Pets should be obedient to a fault. We should follow our true Owners around so closely that the leash dangles and droops and is dragged across the floor. The leash should never be taut. A pet's neck should never need to be yanked on from the Owner's hand. Pet's should trail a step behind and be ready to lick the floor beneath their Owners heels and soles. i want to be a perfect pet. Please forgive me Goddess. Please?
Indigo's muse "Kyro's" Inspired - 15 years, 3 months, 6 days ago
Indigo's muse

* is polite at all times
* is punctual
* never wastes his Owner's time
* Takes care of personal hygiene
* Never puts his wants before his Owner's needs or requirements
* Follows orders to the best of his ability
* Receives punishments with good grace
* Questions but never answers back in a rude or impertinent manner
* Does not moan or complain to Owner about trivial matters
* Is attentive to a Owner's needs at all times
* Does not embarrass Owner in public
* Has no safe words and no limits
* Considers simple servitude without command
* Never stalks, pesters or unnecessarily bothers Owner (or anyone for that matter!)
* Respects Owner's privacy
* Increases skills in non-BDSM activities that may benefit Owner.
* Is keen to make a Owner's life better any way he can
* Never disobeys a direct order from Owner
* Never does a domestic chore half heartedly
* Is loyal to his Owner - time permitting
* Will put a Owner's needs before their own
* Is always clean and presentable in the presence of his Owner
* Knows his place is at Owner's feet.
Indigo's muse "Kyro's" Inspired - 15 years, 3 months, 19 days ago
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LadY HeatheN

cup cake You have been given cup cake.
Crafted by Unknown
LadY HeatheN "⛓️⚔️⛓" We Will Own You - 14 years, 6 months, 21 days ago
LadY HeatheN

A Stewie robot dance You have been given A Stewie robot dance.
Crafted by Unknown
LadY HeatheN "⛓️⚔️⛓" We Will Own You - 14 years, 6 months, 21 days ago
LadY HeatheN

:-P You have been given :-P.
Crafted by LadY HeatheN
LadY HeatheN "⛓️⚔️⛓" We Will Own You - 14 years, 6 months, 21 days ago
LadY HeatheN

:-D You have been given :-D.
Crafted by LadY HeatheN
LadY HeatheN "⛓️⚔️⛓" We Will Own You - 14 years, 6 months, 21 days ago
LadY HeatheN

Taking a Peek... You have been given Taking a Peek....
Crafted by LadY HeatheN
LadY HeatheN "⛓️⚔️⛓" We Will Own You - 14 years, 6 months, 21 days ago
LadY HeatheN

You Have Been Scanned... You have been given You Have Been Scanned....
Crafted by LadY HeatheN
LadY HeatheN "⛓️⚔️⛓" We Will Own You - 14 years, 6 months, 21 days ago
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Indigo's's shop
Shadow's Boutique

A place where Owners and pets can worship my Owner or purchase items which will celebrate their role as Owner or pet. :)

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