This is taken from the book Whatever you think think the opposite by Paul Arden
I have changed some of the words to make it appropriate to myself...
Choices Choices Choices (Decisions, Decisions, Decisions)
When you look back there will be things you will regret
You made the wrong choice(decision).
You made the right choice(decision).
Life is about choices(decision)
1. Am i going to have the practical car or the fast car?
2. Shall i go to college or get a job?
3. Will i have wine or beer?
What ever choice(decision) you make is the only one you could make.
Otherwise you would make a different one.
Everything we do we choose
So What is there to regret?
YOU are the Person you CHOOSE to be.
Sue Fincham "Susan" Ecstatic
- 15 years, 2 months, 11 days ago