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The Great White North - 10/10 | - Free online hangout and friends
Herd Profile: The Great White North - 10/10
Led by Bill vB | 72 members

10 thumbs for 10 provinces, ok, we have 3 territories too, but maybe I can think of something for that another day. Post your 10, then thumb everyone, clear the person at 10. No need for t/p(marker like in the bigger herds). If anyone is maxxed, clear them and then post who you cleared in the max section. No updating of thumbs. Please also post in the Cleared/Notified section who you cleared and who is at 9 as well :)
Herd leaders

Bill vB Bill vB "My Superman" Sparkling

Plus 10 BBQ Sauce Plus 10 BBQ Sauce "saucy wench" Tired

Alli Marie Alli Marie "Dead" Courageous

Hypatia Hypatia "Hypatia"

Annie Annie "Resting" computer problems :(

A-U A-U "My naughty Fairy" bye for now everyone!

Neil Neil "kroliczek" Inspired
chris b chris b "❤️ My knight" adventurous

Samir Samir "Samir-Acle"

Natalie Natalie "AWOL 2 ;)" So.. Excited.. ;D

Burcu Ural Burcu Ural ♥•.¸♥ Like a FaiRy ♥•

Sharron Diamond Sharron Diamond "Gold" hot

Marika Marika "M1" Lonely

Carmensita Carmensita

Icey Arse Icey Arse "Icing on my cake"

Lisa Lisa "Loving Lisa" 7 sleeps

YoMero YoMero "Chunflo" Monday arrrgggh!!!!

Darien Baez Darien Baez GONE FOR GOOD... BYE!

Patrick Patrick

Carrol Carrol "Almost Perfect"

Adaniina Juola Adaniina Juola "♥ Adaniina ♥" saying goodbye!!!
Mystery Mystery "Number 1" Loving

Tia Tamar Tia Tamar "T T"

Hugh Manpet Hugh Manpet ""My Manpet-NFS" Ecstatic

Kate Kate "עילוי" sleep deprived

Mario Ong Mario Ong "★grandpario★" ღLovingღ

Mistress Sare Mistress Sare "With Big Hugs..." § Blah §

Kat Kat "Barekatღღღ" Content

Sara Lee Sara Lee "♥Sara♥ NFS" Wild

Bruce Bruce "RazamaTaz" ~?~

Megz Megz "Megz" Cheeky

Rose Rose "♥TheRose♥" Annoyed

Tracey Tracey "Twins" Sad

Tim P Tim P "Catnip"

David the Gun-Toting Sidekick David the Gun-Toting Sidekick "~Tink'sToy~ NFS" Vote for ME in Writing Contest!

Angel of Sin Angel of Sin "Befreckled one " Needs a Good Hard... Petting

Marcie Burke Marcie Burke "Georgia Peach" lovies her hp friends

Tsvety Tsvety "Pinky" Sparkling
Catherine Catherine "Dave's Beloved"

Jaycee Leigh Jaycee Leigh "My PerhapS♥" Ƀ♥Ⱦçh

Andy S Andy S "FRANK"

Brandi Brandi "My Amazing Lady"

Karen A Karen A "My Soul Mate xo"

Lorraine Lorraine "Luscious " Playful
M Jankovsky M Jankovsky "My Sweet Sexy M"
Heather Heather "Dead" Join Darlings 15/7 Co-op ??

Sonya Von Tease Sonya Von Tease "Sonya (NFS)" Recovering

Sara Sara "Dead" Nothing Left..
Wild Bill Wild Bill "MY Daddy" Frisky


Crank Crank "price edward" Content
Matt Matt "JD" CrOSSinG ThE BaRRiER

Enchantress Enchantress "My Sexy Kitten" Loyal

MaLuA MaLuA "tifosi"

Michael kapiris Michael kapiris "CHARMER NFS" Adventurous

Sue Fincham Sue Fincham "Susan" Ecstatic

Karen Jeffery Karen Jeffery "♥Soulmate♥" ♥RIP Mike Jeffery 1976-2011♥

Katbw Katbw "♥Kat♥" Sparkling

had enough had enough "Dead" fuk this sh't

Rahul _ R D Rahul _ R D Loving

Mido Mido "ღ My♡ NFS " Tired

Me Me Me Me "Missed :("

Lycan Lycan "~Lycan" I HAVE QUIT HP!!!!

Lost Soul Lost Soul "נשמה"

Thai Thai Ferocious

DraGoN DraGoN "dragon"
zzZzz zzZzz "GoNe !!!" TAKiNG A BReAK...

Wendy Wendy "'My Missing Pet'" Purring

Sophia Sophia "Ginger Kittie" Festive

muhammet muhammet "-mystic-" Crazy

Mody VamPirE Mody VamPirE "Sexy Vamp" ♥♥♥

Brujah CTG_This Is Sparta Brujah CTG_This Is Sparta "NFS! UniqueQ" ♥Animal Trainer♥
Katy Dee Katy Dee "Refined Beauty" Sparkling

Andy Andy "Frisky Andy" Crazy

Powergirl Powergirl "Spideys lostgirl" Intrigued
Sara Byers Sara Byers

Alanna Alanna Carefree