What Is Love?
Love is an affection for and devotion to another person based on shared experiences and interest. It is something that elicits deep interest and enthusiasm for somebody. Love is simplicity, innocence, wonder, trust and anticipation. It turns friendship into something more. It is an intense feeling of attraction and compassion towards another. Love is an infatuation used to describe an intense crush on someone. Love is a very powerful and heartwarming emotion. The one constant of love is that it is unconditional and knows no boundaries.
Love is a state of mind, a matter of the heart, an unknown feeling. It glows from the inside out, and cannot be fully described. It is a mystery touching you in places never before known. Love is a blissful emotion that leads to euphoria. It is an unconditional connection of the heart, mind and soul of two people. It gives you a sense of belonging and acceptance, radiating warmth throughout.
Love can be expressed in many ways, none are right or wrong. The connection and existence of love shared by two is obvious to all around them. The complete connection of two people in love of heart, mind, body and soul is beyond any boundaries or rules. When you are in love you have a feeling of piece and tranquility
Love is a personal commitment to another. It is an unconditional connection of emotions that gives a sense of belonging and unconditional acceptance. It is the want and desire to have, hold, cherish, protect and please another, and get nothing in return. Love is a state of being between two, a way of life. When it is present you become a whole, a unit, a team, working together for a shared life of dreams, goals and ambitions. It is a strength shared by two. A bond of love is one that holds two hearts, souls, bodies and minds together. Love is the wonder and excitement of bringing two together to form one.
Love is yours to learn from and grow in, it is immeasurable, complicated, painful, blissful and sorrowful. It is all encompassing, exhilarating and exhausting. It can be euphoric and marvelous and then it can be hideous and heartless. Love brings happiness, but not without work and sometimes heartache. Love is blind to outside influences. There are no boundaries or conditions to its existence.
Love is the best feeling in the world. It causes palpation's of the heart that makes you giddy with happiness and silly with nervousness. The best love of all is when you get nervous, causing butterflies to flutter in your stomach or weak in the knees just by being with someone. It is the unexpected surprise that causes that warm tingly feeling to take hold of you.
Love is like a rose; it buds and slowly blossoms into a crescendo of color and beauty. Like the rose pedal, it is soft and yielding, exquisite to the touch but fragile. Taking time to grow, but once it has blossomed it is a beautiful thing to see.
Love conquers all; it is what makes the world go round some say. Everyone needs love in his or her life, without it we are not whole. Love makes us happy and sad, confident and insecure, content and unhappy all at the same time. Love is a wondrous thing, even more so with true love. Because, it knows no bounds of time or space, even in death.
What is Commitment?
Is it a state of being obligated or emotionally impelled to a course of action? Is it pledging or agreeing on the future? Is it entrusting in someone's obligations, binding them to a state of mind, or a way of life?
Consider it a given that commitment means working towards a permanent relationship. It means giving everything you have to a relationship, meeting every new challenge with courage, and always working together to keep what you have and build an even brighter future. It is the pledge to devote your best talents and efforts to making and keeping your relationship healthy, satisfying and rewarding which is the essence of a commitment.
Commitment to one's self.
Committing to one's self is important because you can't work on committing to anyone else before you are committed to yourself. Being honest enough with your self to see that you have to love, trust and respect yourself first. Taking peace and comfort in the fact that trusting yourself allows you to trust others.
The path I am on is the path I chose to walk. I trust that where I walk is the direction of my destiny. The path that intertwines my path with yours bringing us closer together.
Commitment to others.
Commitment to others involves many things. Trusting in the fact that they always will be honest and loyal to you and that it takes an inordinate commitment of time and effort is one thing. A successful partnership also demands integrity, honesty, openness, and respect from both parties. Sure of the fact that they always have your best interest at heart. Knowing that, when someone is committed to you there is peace and comfort in the knowledge that you have their steadfast love. And, they will always be there for you through all the peaks and valleys. That they will protect, teach, learn and grow together, building a bond with you toward common goals and a lifetime of closeness.
The path you are on is the path I choose to walk. Where you lay your head is where I shall lay mine. No matter the trials that lay in our way, I will be at your side. When you are strong I will walk beside you, when you are weak I will carry you. As we go through this journey fulfilling our destiny, our paths forged over time as one. Our love encompassing the journey and paving the path we are on. Through the peaks and valleys of our lives, until death parts us from our entwined path.
Remember that the greatest gain involves the greatest risk. You have to be willing to be vulnerable in order to be ready to receive what you want. There are no guarantees where love is concerned. If you want love and human connection be prepared to take some risk. A committed relationship takes work and the willingness to change.
diOr kitty "diOr Kitty" Hurt
- 15 years, 11 months, 22 days ago