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Jeff | - Free online hangout and friends
Jeff owns this human at 15750 points.


Jeff , 44/Male
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:8:47 AM
Join date:16 years, 4 months, 7 days ago
Location: Tokyo Japan

"The Gaijin Guy"
About me:
A single American guy living in Tokyo. I work in IT, and live the crazy expatriate life!
About you:
I'd like to meet people in Japan in particular, but anyone interesting is, well.... interesting! People who like new experiences, ideas, and people is good in my book.
Looking for: Friendship and dating
Orientation: Straight
Herds: The Carrot
15750 pts

50 pts
Jeff's tales
Adrian Borland and The Sound. Awesome.

Jeff "Jeff" Peaceful - 16 years, 3 months, 25 days ago
Drinking in Japan

It is a fundamental custom of Japanese culture that you have to go drinking with your coworkers. Quite often ALL THE TIME. I wanna know the guy that invented this custom.

Was he just walking along one day, and he thought, "Man, I go to work every day, but I just can't seem to go out drinking as much as I want. Oh, I know! We'll have to make it a custom to get shitfaced every night!!! Muahahaha!!! Muahahaha!!!"

Luckily, working in a foreign company, I am pretty much exempt from this rule. Which is a good thing, otherwise my liver would turn into beef jerky.

But, sooner or later I go out drinking with friends or coworkers, and I regret it. (The drinking, not the people)

After my first night out partying in Tokyo ever, I woke up and.... er... on the other hand, let's save that tale for a rainy day.

But last week I went out drinking with some friends and... well, I can't remember too much to be honest. There was dinner. And then a bar. Where I met a guy with a Ph.D. in philosophy. Me being a philosophy bug, we talked quite a bit. But you alcoholic party animals don't want to hear about 19th century German philosophers, do you? I should have been looking for an attractive girl to talk to, but oh well.

After this we left and went to some... er... "dodgy" looking bar, which was mostly empty (it was a weeknight and still relatively early). I remember something about a Ukrainian girl, and there was a giant robotic Santa harnessed up to the top of the bar doing some kind of pelvic thrusts. Or dancing. I was pretty plastered, but neither would surprise me.

Then we headed back, as there was work the next day. Good thing too, because as I don't drink too much, I had such a killer hangover the next day that I was barely functional.

Sucky ending, but that's what you get with weeknights...
Jeff "Jeff" Peaceful - 16 years, 3 months, 28 days ago

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Just peeking in - to say HELLO You have been given Just peeking in - to say HELLO.
Crafted by Carmensita
Carmensita - 15 years, 11 months, 21 days ago
Stella Van Tielen

Beautiful Day Wish. You have been given Beautiful Day Wish..
Crafted by Canan
Stella Van Tielen Hopeless - 16 years, 17 days ago
Stella Van Tielen
I bought you!! :-)
I know I'm being cheeky Carmensita, but hey, you know me *wink*
Stella Van Tielen Hopeless - 16 years, 1 month, 26 days ago

You have been given A simple thing + a complex mind.
Crafted by Unknown
bubba Loving - 16 years, 2 months, 29 days ago
What do these numbers mean, quick get that gizmo calculator!
Happy New Year Jeff!
You have been given ~ 2009 ☆ Happy New Year ~.
Crafted by Bina
bubba Loving - 16 years, 3 months, 3 days ago

You have been given Hold my hand and walk with me~.
Crafted by Ping Lee
Carmensita - 16 years, 3 months, 5 days ago
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