Nom Nom Nom.
The general populace of HP seems to be lacking in both sex appeal and imagination.
Which means badly written e-sex amongst lonely ugly people..
So once in a while I log on, only to find myself sitting here.. wondering.... " WHY, DEAR GOD, WHY?! D: D: " But only cause it's everywhere, in your face! Not to be escaped from -_- Like advertisements for for.. for stuff! On things! Oh forget it. You'll never understand, HP.
Also I'd like you to know that..
I'm such a lovely lady-like creature of pure grace, good manners and kindness <3
Ooooh. Hugs n kisses to all! *prances around sprinkling confetti* And you better acknowledge that, HP. Now I'm just being retarded ^_^
^ Note, 'general populace' meaning "applying to all or most members of a category or group" ! That means not EVERYONE! Gosh. Just most of ya ;D ^
This post makes so much sense and is so necessary !
True story :P
That was sarcasm.
K thnx bai
Kitten Lemon "Lemons" Calm
- 16 years, 1 month, 7 days ago