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Kitten Lemon | - Free online hangout and friends
Tony VdS
Tony VdS owns this human at 70 points.

Kitten Lemon
Kitten Lemon

Kitten Lemon
Last login: over 3 weeks ago

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Herds: ☠ THE NAWTY HOUSE ☠, ::gypsy SWARM theory 5/10::, ♥ Rainbow Swarm ♥
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Kitten Lemon
Nom Nom Nom.
The general populace of HP seems to be lacking in both sex appeal and imagination.
Which means badly written e-sex amongst lonely ugly people..
So once in a while I log on, only to find myself sitting here.. wondering.... " WHY, DEAR GOD, WHY?! D: D: " But only cause it's everywhere, in your face! Not to be escaped from -_- Like advertisements for for.. for stuff! On things! Oh forget it. You'll never understand, HP.

Also I'd like you to know that..
I'm such a lovely lady-like creature of pure grace, good manners and kindness <3
Ooooh. Hugs n kisses to all! *prances around sprinkling confetti* And you better acknowledge that, HP. Now I'm just being retarded ^_^

^ Note, 'general populace' meaning "applying to all or most members of a category or group" ! That means not EVERYONE! Gosh. Just most of ya ;D ^

This post makes so much sense and is so necessary !
True story :P
That was sarcasm.


K thnx bai
Kitten Lemon Kitten Lemon
Kitten Lemon "Lemons" Calm - 16 years, 1 month, 7 days ago
Kitten Lemon

This video makes me giggle !! SQUEEK!
Kitten Lemon "Lemons" Calm - 16 years, 4 months, 3 days ago
Kitten Lemon
Please never let me become 'sexy'. There's just sumthing completely unnatural and creepy and embarassing about ppl trying to look/be sexy. I dunno quite wut it is.. Perhaps the unnaturalness of what some ppl think is a sexy look upon their face/body language nudges my fragile brain and chews on my natural instincts and so then confuses my very being. Ha I'm talking out my bumhole. But still.. I'm bored.

Also! Please don't allow me to ever become bitter :( Bitter and complaining about everything and simply unhappy in ever way besides perhaps the knowing that a bottle of wine is waiting for me at home and will help me feel a little better so that I can fall asleep.

Omgosh.. How come randomness is random? And how cum the world is roundish? Or why is uhm.. why is Splenda still on the market? And why is mud soft and squishy but if you eat it.. It's all grainy and course.. Oh it's raining outside! *wanders away*
Kitten Lemon Kitten Lemon Kitten Lemon Kitten Lemon
Kitten Lemon "Lemons" Calm - 16 years, 4 months, 7 days ago
Kitten Lemon
I had the most horrible dream! D:
And it wasn't horrible in a good way, but horrible in a bad way ..
And and .. IT was really just so horrible :(
Kitten Lemon
Kitten Lemon "Lemons" Calm - 16 years, 4 months, 7 days ago
Kitten Lemon
Yay! tomorrow is halloween! I aint gonna be nothing specific I'm just gunna dress silly and have fun molesting my boy thing. Rawr! And dancing ! I hope. Oh and working.. *cough* Blech.

OMGOSH I'M SO DAMNED HUNGRY!! It's 10:30pm and I just got home recently and and and I hasn't eaten since 1pm *dies*
Kitten Lemon
Kitten Lemon "Lemons" Calm - 16 years, 4 months, 8 days ago
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a &quot;sweet&quot; orgy! You have been given a "sweet" orgy!.
Crafted by Lex
Unknown "Qarlita Unica" Seductive - 16 years, 18 days ago
Hi there ^^
Unknown "Qarlita Unica" Seductive - 16 years, 22 days ago
Alexander Graesser
random comment #419) *misplaced* You have been misplaced
Alexander Graesser "Flambeaux" gone! - 16 years, 22 days ago

ThiNkiN' bOuT yOu You have been given ThiNkiN' bOuT yOu.
Crafted by WiTcHy WoMaN
Unknown Uncertain - 16 years, 23 days ago
*ponts to self* i is bored...
Rawr Kitten You have been given Rawr Kitten.
Crafted by Unknown
Unknown Uncertain - 16 years, 29 days ago

A good morning wish... You have been given A good morning wish....
Crafted by Helela Almsabeth Poland
Pauly "Pipes " Feisty - 16 years, 1 month, 1 day ago
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Kitten's shop
Naomi's Tampon

I unno. I just wanna try this out, k? :3


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Uhm.. O.. k..
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Uhm.. O.. k..
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Yes please !
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Yes please !
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the moon and stars -.-
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the moon and stars  -.-
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crazy pirate adventures!
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crazy pirate adventures!
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