The countdown timer silently ticks away and the hour draws near where the world will shift and things will change.
In the web we weave in life some strands are cut, some cut themselves, and others wither and die, but we must never forget to build new ones, stronger than before that can withstand the ravages of time and weather.
Also we must link the strands across paths unknown and untested, not only to forge new paths, but to make quick access in times of trouble and in times of joy.
Much like the spider web we must also feel for vibrations to warn us of danger to ourselves and to others as well as when some one is trapped or when joy is spreading so we all can come join in to help or to take part of what ever is going on and do what is needed.
And very much like the spiderweb when something happens within it, be it good or bad, it will be changed by the next morning. I wonder how our web will look to all of us tomorrow, or the next day.
Will any part of it be the same in a weeks time.
David Riffle "Raven" Nervous
- 16 years, 3 months, 29 days ago