Salvation Sought
In the darkest recesses of my mind
I fear what nightmares I may find
In the cold caverns of my thoughts and dreams
Alone I sit, I shake, I scream
There is no light here, darkness thrives
For in the subconscious depths, light simply dies
Longingly, wantonly, I await salvation's kiss
To taste once again, eternal bliss
In this place valled in pain and lies
Screams only fade to silent cries
My hands reach out, and grasp only air
In silent revelation, I realize no one's there
No help, no salvation, even sweet death won't come
I'm worn and torn, jaded and numb
Will no one be my saviour, and set my heart free
Will no one ever breathe life into me....
Dark Poet Adventurous
- 16 years, 3 months, 27 days ago