Hi, I guess I'm pretty new to the Human Pets, so here is a little tale. My name is Beatrix, I'm 28, single mom with two kids aged 8 and 5. I love classic movies, stamp collecting and I'm not into health foods, I am into champagne..(inside joke for those in the know...hehe).
I just made my profile and I'm happy to someones pet. Just give me a little time to get used to this. I've been viewing some of the great profiles on here and I will add more to mine as time permits.
Right now...just looking to find some friends and see what this site is about. Looks good so far. :=)
Love B.
(p.s. I'm a big Quentin Tarantino fan and I love Kill Bill (coincidence?)
Btrixx "Ah Btrixx!" Hungry
- 16 years, 5 months, 10 days ago