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Chuck G

Chuck G, 42/Male
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:7:59 PM
Join date:16 years, 7 months, 19 days ago
Location: Staten Island United States

"heyy sup?"
About me:
Idk what to write here , but ...ok i am a NYS EMT-B, love rock/metal , have an obsession with horror movies, hot sauce , sushi , and the nintendo wii. hmmm.... i dont really know what else to write , but if you find me interesting just email me with questions :)
About you:
Looking for: Friendship and dating
Orientation: Straight
Herds: THE AMERICAN (U.S.) HERD, ☆___Ninjas Unite___☆, NYC, Emergency Medical Services, The AMERICAN Herd
Heather Lynn
Heather Lynn
"beautifull grrl "
84428 pts

"Ghetto Barbie"
10000 pts
50 pts

50 pts
Chuck's tales
Chuck G
***As requested the follow up to my tales lol**
forgive me father for i have sinned, its been several months since my last tale ...lmao
Ok, so yeah all in all everything in the last several months have been interesting , painful, heartbreaking etc etc etc....
for starters I had chosen to go to FDNY but the problem is that New york City is in a hiring freeze and have laid off many investigators for fdny now of course as my luck would have it my investigator was laid off blehhh wish i would have went to become a cop lol , but i still work in a good place in east ny brooklyn so its not so bad, well.... currently injured but still employed there.And no thank god once the skanky whore finally got a new boyfriend she stopped stalking me just hope the guy bathes in holy water cause with that girl hes gonna need all the help he can get lol... as for the current situation in my life , well the injury happened in the beginning of march and ill just say it was me , a very lazy fill in partner and a 400lb patient i messed up my back and here i am still :-P . relationships and stuff, well i would love to say im in the best relationship ever, but 4 weeks ago she had told me that she cant feel anything and love is one of those things , there was a time where she would tell me she loved me all of the time , she was under alot of stress at work and she obviously does not do well under stress , i don't know what the hell she wants sometimes , i just wish we could go back to when she wasn't so nuts cause the whole lets be in a relationship but not is driving me fucking nuts . i just kind of find it really strange sometimes the whole situation , but oh well i guess, like she said if i found someone else when shes working on herself that would treat me better than ripping my face off about nothing ive done and stuff like that , to go with that woman , but again idk , guess im just gonna have to continue doing what i normally do and be attentive , and not to close my heart off completely...and lastly i got a new tattoo my thrid tattoo , its the dragon tattoo i posted on here , i got it as a symbol partially, because i have lost my edge since i was 18 , i used to be this vicious prick who wouldnt even blink an eye for a argument a fight or whatever , but now idk , i guess i got sensitive or whatever or maybe its just that ive gotten older and id rather not fight with the people i care about , but either way it is more or less a reminder for me to sometimes be the feral dragon i used to be cause all it seems is that i just end up getting hurt cause i just try my best in relationships to do everything thats asked of me and get majorly hurt in the long run .,so i need to be a little more of a prick and less of the nice guy , cause in all honesty the nice guy always is the guy alone and the shithead brainless douches are the ones who end up "with the girl" which to this day i never fucking figured out ....
Chuck G Tired - 15 years, 11 months, 3 days ago
Chuck G
The season of tests .....
So yeah , this fall seems to be my kinda season, i have two different for two different career paths , one is at the end of Sept , which is my FDNY Emt agility test, and Oct 18th I have my NYPD exam , i never thought id actually be able to do it , but sure enough , i have a test day for the NYPD, I know its odd, especially after all those months of working my ass off for emt school , and becoming a emt...but im just covering my bases with stuff i actually want to do with my life, so then i can say , come whatever may ,rather than feeling like im gonna go nowhere with now i have eventually choose....Red VS Blue lol
Chuck G Tired - 16 years, 6 months ago
Chuck G
Ok so now i had thought everything has blown over...but nope, i was wrong the minute i took my myspace profile off private , the stalking begins again,and to futher it last night i had gotten 3 phonecalls 2 from supposedly unknown then one from 718-282-4747
i dont know who the hell it was because it wasnt her number, however i wouldnt be surprised if it was her having her winner friends call to harass me at 2 in the morning, Im very frustrated and very irritated , i dont know what the hell she wants from me but how ironic this morning i go and check my profile tracker and it just so happens she checked out my profile 4 times today , wtf ?????? again im really irritated because i have moved on with my life without her , and again fuckin CHRIST SHE DUMPED ME 3 FUCKING TIMES.......WTF?!?!?!?!?!?!
Chuck G Tired - 16 years, 6 months, 17 days ago
Chuck G
The ex that just does not go away....
Well its been almost 3 months since me and my ex have split , or should i say she broke up with me 3 times , and yet she is constantly checking up on me on myspace and any random dating sites ive been on , and to top it off the fall is almost here, i work not to far where she works ....i have this odd feeling im going to be stalked at work as well, im getting really tired of the bullshit , i dont know why she just cannot just leave me alone already....she insulted me throughout the entire relationship and then even after we were done, and what does she expect me to do , run back to her ....idk , well whatever it is , i need frikin help to make her stop buggin me
Chuck G Tired - 16 years, 6 months, 24 days ago

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Heather Lynn
Hello, I miss you.
k, bye
ღ Hello anybody home? ღ You have been given ღ Hello anybody home? ღ.
Crafted by Cheryl
Heather Lynn "beautifull grrl " Tender - 15 years, 6 months, 26 days ago
Heather Lynn
Hope you are doing well!!!
So Happy With Owner You have been given So Happy With Owner.
Crafted by Elvira Mysanthrope
Heather Lynn "beautifull grrl " Tender - 15 years, 7 months, 5 days ago
Heather Lynn
Hi There
I miss you.... You have been given I miss you.... .
Crafted by No One
Heather Lynn "beautifull grrl " Tender - 15 years, 7 months, 20 days ago
Heather Lynn
Yay, Friday Hope you are doing well....
I love my owner You have been given I love my owner.
Crafted by Sweet girl
Heather Lynn "beautifull grrl " Tender - 15 years, 7 months, 23 days ago
Heather Lynn
:-) Hi there!!!
✿ ~ To Brighten Your Day ~✿ You have been given ✿ ~ To Brighten Your Day ~✿.
Crafted by Just M
Heather Lynn "beautifull grrl " Tender - 15 years, 8 months ago
Heather Lynn
Hey there, Haven't talked in a while...hope all is well and that you have a wonderful 4th of July weekend.
ღ Thinking of You ღ  You have been given ღ Thinking of You ღ .
Crafted by Perfectly_Imperfect
Heather Lynn "beautifull grrl " Tender - 15 years, 8 months, 15 days ago
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