State your name for the record. Remember the truth the whole truth in detail.
Age remember you ar under oat and th polygragh is running.
Measurements Chest: 38D
Have you ever been tit fucked? Nope (just started liking it)
Waist. 43 inches close to that
Hips.41 inches (give or take)
Given oral? Yes(back seat of cars,busses, school, House *in almost every room*)
if yes spit, swallow or snowball? Sawllow
Liked it? Very much I love giving pleasure to those that give it back. ;)
Recived Oral? Yes
Liked it? Most times yes.. there were a few that were bad...
Orgasm? most times
Been given a facial (Bukake)? no
Liked it? never done it
Been with a member of your gender? Yes
Liked it? loved it
Mastubated? yes
If so what gets you off? Twistng your fingers is deffinatley and rubbing my g-spot and my clit -nods and shivers in pleasure.-
Vaginal sex? Yes.
Liked it? it was ok... Its hard to get me off though.
Orgasm? Rarely
If so what gets you there? Really rough hard sex
Anal? Yes =)
Did you like it? Loved it
Orgasm? Yes
Have you ever had phone sex? Yes
Liked it? No
Orgasm? No
Cybersex? Yes (everyday)
Liked it? Love it
Orgasm? every day
What fantasy is the one you most want to come true? I Have Never been tied down and gaged and choaked that would have to be my fantasy and be taken in all three holes at the same time while being domed by all three peoples.
Who would it be with? Anyone i can trust
Have you ever cammed naked? no
Have you ever cammed sex? no
Cammed masturbation? yes
Cum doing cam? yes
Cum Watching? yes
Watch porn? not really...
Liked it? nope
Orgasm? yes
Wanted to act out a scene from a porn movie? nooo
With who? no one
Act out the whole movie? nope
With who? no one
What acts do you like to perform?
Have performed on you?
If you could sleep with any one once and walk away who would it be? Ryan
If you could only sleep with one person the rest of your life who would it be? Tom
Mono or poly? Pollllly
Straight, Gay or Bi? Bi all the way sense i was 11
How many sexual partners do you think you have had? ummm 7+
Threesomes? yes
Liked it? loved it
Orgasm? buckets full
Orgy? yep
Liked it? need to do it again..
Orgasm? only about 20 times
Bondage you in? want to do it
Liked it? need to do it first
Partner in it? not with anyone
Sub or Dom/Domme? Sub
Had sex with some one you didn't like at the time? yes
Liked it? yup
Dumped a lover for another? yes
had more than one relationship going at one time? yes
More than two? no
More than three? no
Got Caught in any way? everyone new
Liked it? ...
Are you hot and bothered right now remebering your past? very
Are you pleasuring your self? Yes
Like it? mhm
Ashley "Ashley" Frisky
- 16 years, 8 months, 15 days ago