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Linda owns this human at 10500 points.

scott blackburn
"Linda's pet"

Miguellie cHaRLIE
Miguellie cHaRLIE
90 pts
scott's tales
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scott blackburn
this tale is 4 tiffany my hp pal she rocks shes such a great woman and lisa ,lindsey,nicol.r my asome owners they are so great i could not ask 4 better friends i thank god they my friends
scott blackburn "Linda's pet" - 16 years, 3 months, 6 days ago
scott blackburn
_______ ___________I Have
_________________Come Here
________________To Wish You
_______________Merry Christmas
______________And Also, A Happy
_____________New Year To You For
____________2009... I Hope The New
___________Year Brings You Loads Of
__________Happiness And Good Health.
_________I Hope You Have A Nice Day On
________Christmas Day, Filled With Lots Of
_______Family Time.....And Of Course Eating
______Lots Of Nice Foods, And Candies. I Hope
_____That Santa Is Good To You As Well And He
___Brings You Loads Of Presents On Christmas Day
________ _________XXXXXXXX
scott blackburn "Linda's pet" - 16 years, 3 months, 6 days ago
scott blackburn
hey thanks to every one that stoped by my tree at the bottom of my page and left me a present yaaaaaaaaaa presents lol
scott blackburn "Linda's pet" - 16 years, 3 months, 10 days ago
scott blackburn
4 todays tale is onliy to woman why is it you have to show off tits and ass and dress like a babrie doll to get attention all that attention that gets from tits and ass is just guys beeing pigs y dont you show us your iner beuty like you show us your outer then you will all get the respect you all want but im sorry tits and aas dont deseve respect a great personality deseves respect hope no one takes to much offence im just sick of hereing men are pigs if you show tna thats were we become pigs cuz thats what you show us and i no its not all woman showing t-n-a and looking like barbie dolls and to those woman i give you all my respect
scott blackburn "Linda's pet" - 16 years, 7 months, 9 days ago
scott blackburn
and i was reading about this stupid woman protest about breast feeding i belive if your sapose to be feeding your baby mabey you should not bee shopping when you should be nutreing you baby and theres also a thing called respect if it bothers some one that your feeding you baby slach expsoing parts that might give some one the rong thoughts then you should respect them just like the company that bought rooms 4 mom that need to breast feed in public they respected you by spending big bucks to put them in there stores just 4 u so mabey you mothers should think about that b4 you protest woamn rites cuz as far as i am consened you woman have the same rites as every one else i was a kid when i had the me me me me mentality level i am older and wiser and i live in a big world full of others not just me and as a matter of fact i belive it was moms thart thought we should respect others as we our selfs would want tp be treeted i see much bigger problims in the world that should be delt with that are more important then the moms feeding in a public place like war and drugs for example that would be a much better protest to deal with and im just saying my opinion i am sorry if ne person takes offence to this tale
scott blackburn "Linda's pet" - 16 years, 7 months, 26 days ago
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Linda "Dead" Intrigued - 1 year, 6 months, 8 days ago
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Butterfly "fy rhosyn - NFS" sleepy - 1 year, 10 months, 8 days ago

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Linda "Dead" Intrigued - 8 years, 2 months, 28 days ago

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Linda "Dead" Intrigued - 8 years, 3 months, 1 day ago

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Linda "Dead" Intrigued - 8 years, 3 months, 1 day ago

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Linda "Dead" Intrigued - 11 years, 3 months, 27 days ago
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