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25/7 Herd.. quick and easy | - Free online hangout and friends
Herd Profile: 25/7 Herd.. quick and easy
Led by Jase | 6 members

Step 1. Make one post saying Thumbing
Step 2. Delete those with 7 thumbs and notify them they can return to thumb and post again
Step 3. Make 25 posts. In your last post note who was deleted and notified...
Simple enough, works the same as the others.. should just be that little bit quicker than the 50/10 if ya pressed for time!
It's an open herd, so get recruiting, and make everyone administrators NOTE As far as maxxed out members go. Let's let them run, it doesn't take long for the day to tick over and seeing that we are from all over the world and coming on at different times they will be caught up with. It may look a little messy, but it works out over 24 hours. SO, we're only deleting and notifying people once they reach 7 okay.... If a person is lucky enough to have maxxed out, they ain't gonna mind waiting a few hours to be thumbed more. PS I'VE NEVER EVER MAXXED OUT!! *sob sob*
Herd leaders

Jase Jase "Sweet-n-Sexy" Intrigued

rachael drury rachael drury "Rachyboo!" Adored

Fred Beland Fred Beland "~My Freddy Bear~" Playful

Liquid Lollipop Liquid Lollipop " Lolipop" Neglected
scott blackburn scott blackburn "Linda's pet"

christopher christopher "Guinness Bandit" not for sale please do not buyme

Rage Falcona Rage Falcona "† Rage†"