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Vixi | - Free online hangout and friends
Duke Drago De Baucheret
Duke Drago De Baucheret owns this human at 300000 points.


Vixi , 42/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:3:28 PM
Join date:16 years, 10 months, 13 days ago
Location: United States

About me:
About you:
Looking for: Friendship and dating
Orientation: Straight
Herds: MASTER / MISTRESS / slave / sub, Human Fauna, Hall De Baucheret, Tir Tangiere, Kitsune's Fox Den, Dragos' Home for Wayward Lasses, Hall De Baucheret Gallery, Pack Grey
William Bennett
William Bennett
"Wolf Cub"
50 pts
Vixi's tales
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Woman was created from the ribs of man
Not from his head to top him
Nor from his feet to be walked upon
She was made from his side to be his equal
From beneath his arms to be protected
From very near his heart to be loved.
Vixi "DeBaucherette" Wild - 16 years, 9 months, 26 days ago

"But on this most auspicious of nights, permit me then, in lieu of the more commonplace sobriquet, to suggest the character of this dramatis persona.
Voilà! In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished. However, this valorous visitation of a by-gone vexation, stands vivified and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin van-guarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition.
The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta, held as a votive, not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous.
Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose, so let me simply add that it's my very good honor to meet you and you may call me V." -V
Vixi "DeBaucherette" Wild - 16 years, 9 months, 26 days ago
(song from Swing Shift Cinderella)

All the chicks are crazy for a certain burly wolf
A real sharp curly wurly wolf
Whose line is oh so smooth when he spreads it on
Sharp or smooth he's in the groove when loving is the scene
And all the babes in town trail him around just hold his paw and sing
Oh wolfy oh wolfy
Ain't you the one
oh wolfy oh wolfy
Ain't we got fun
You send those shivers up my spine
And when your near I just can't
sit still a minute
I'm so oh wolfy oh wolfy
please tell me do
what makes me love you so
you're not rugged its true
but when i look at you
I just oh wolfy oh wolfy
You're not rugged its true..
but when I look at you..
I just ooooo wolfy
ooooo wolfy
oooooooooo wolfy

Vixi "DeBaucherette" Wild - 16 years, 10 months, 2 days ago
49. Which of these questions most embarrassed you to answer?
I would have to say question #48 cause it made me really open up and tell little secrets that others might not know about me.

50. Suggest another delicious question that could be added to this task. Was there one that you kept waiting to have asked, and which in the end wasn’t?
I guess if I had to suggest a question it would be..."Where is the kinkiest place/location you have had sex in, or have fantasized about?"
Vixi "DeBaucherette" Wild - 16 years, 10 months, 5 days ago
25. Are you aroused by this task?
Actually yes I am I can feel my nipples hard and my heart beating between my legs.

26. What color is your hair? Have you ever dyed it?
I do dye it every few months or so. I was born with jet black hair that fell out a few weeks after my birth and then grew in platinum blond. As I've gotten older my hair has darkened to a light brown now but I dye it to keep it blond as thats what I like seeing atop my head. I do have a very tiny silver streak. Not gray but actual silver one my left side just behind my ear that doesn't take color or dye.

27. What is the kinkiest thing you have ever done?
Hmm I think the kinkiest thing I've ever done would have to be I used to have a webcam and masturbated for a close friend in front of it. Letting them watch me with my legs spread wide open.

28. How do you like to be kissed?
I like kisses to start out gentle and soft then grow firmer with more pressure making me give into their sweet temptations.

29. Do you enjoy being penetrated while having an orgasm?
Yes I do in fact and I have found that while I'm having an orgasm its easier for the guy to enter anally cause the muscles relax at intervals and take the pressure or at least ease it.

30. Describe your bed for me, including the bedding you have on it.
Right now my bed is a huge pile of blankets and pillows molded into a square. I do not own a bed so its what I do have right now that works.

31. Have you ever gone without underwear outside of your home? Under what circumstances? Were you wearing pants or skirt at the time? How did it make you feel?
I tend to go commando quite often. Most of the time I don't even bother with underwear or panties at all. Usually I wear pants a lot cause of work but if I can wear a skirt I will and depending on how sexy and flirty I want to be I won't wear any under garments.

32. Have you ever performed oral sex?
Yes I've performed oral sex on both genders and actually enjoy it very much. I find that being able to watch the pleasure on their faces and hear their moans of ecstasy before getting a huge mouthful of reward is quite satisfying.

33. Have you ever been overtly submissive outside of the privacy of your home to the point that other people are aware? Under what circumstances?
I am naturally submissive so yes I have behaved and do behave as such outside the home. I wore collars and waited for permission to eat just staring at the plate of food in a restaurant waiting until I was told I could eat.

34. Tell me in intimate detail how you masturbate. What do you like? Have you ever masturbated in front of anyone else?
I usually work myself up by reading an erotic tale or watching short clips of porn before laying back on the bed imaging many different things whether it be a tongue down at my lower lips as my fingers strum and play me like an instrument or strong hands massaging my breasts as my other hand pinches and twists my nipples. My eyes closed tossing my head side to side as i get close screaming out my release.

35. What perfume, cologne or deodorant are you wearing right now?
I have on no perfume other than my own personal scent. But I am wearing Powder scented Suave deodorant.

36. What is your favorite sexual toy or accessory?
I don't think I can honestly answer this one right now cause there are so many out there that I want to try and play with. I only have a few which really limits my answer.

37. Do you like to be spanked?
Yes I like to be spanked especially while I am bent over and being penetrated. There is just something about the smacks that causes me to tighten up and can feel so much more. Plus the heat that comes off my rear makes things even hotter.

38. Do you enjoy walks in the rain?
And Pina coladas lol. But yes in all seriousness I do like walks in the rain so long as its not too cold and its not that sideways rain that is so fine it stings your skin.

39. What is the most revealing outfit you have worn in public (excluding normal swimwear)?
Oh that would have to be a black miniskirt, black fishnet hose, with high heel mid calf black boots, a red fishnet top, and no panties and bra, so the only thing I had to cover my nipples were two small x's of electrical tape.

40. Describe an ideal romantic evening for you. What would it be like? Would it be a night out or a night in? Where would you go and what would you do? How would it end?
A romantic evening for me would be a night in. (though I kind of feel that there isn't much romance left in the world) I would cuddled close in his strong arms while we watched a movie. His arms around me his hand softly playing over my skin making me feel protected and cherished like a true treasure. Then after the move he would carry me to our bed and be gentle so torturously gentle as we made love. Then I would fall asleep in his arms knowing I was protected, desired, and needed.

41. Have you ever been tied up or otherwise restrained in front of other people? What did you do or what was done to you while you were restrained?
No I've never been restrained in front of people but I have been punished in front of friends. It was not pleasant in the least to gain a red stripe over my tail bone from a leather belt.

42. Do you sleep naked or clothed? If clothed, wearing what?
For the most part I sleep naked unless its winter and just too cold outside then I sleep in anything from silk nighties to my feetie flannel pajama's.

43. How many different colors of panties/underwear/lingerie do you own? What styles? Which are your favorite?
I think I own every color of the rainbow and in different shades and styles. Everything from bikini's to thongs, ones that lace on the sides to crotchless, g-strings and lace, etc. My favorite piece though would have to be the leather corset cause it makes my breasts stand up so nice that I create a table out of them almost.

44. Have you ever been intimate with someone whose full name you didn’t know?
No I've never been intimate with someone whose full name I didn't know.

45. Do you enjoy having your nipples played with? (pinched, licked, sucked, etc.)
Yes as I've stated numerous times before I love having my nipples played with. They are very sensitive that you just have to poke the side of my breast and they stick out.

46. Did you read through these questions before you requested this task?
I must admit that honestly I did read through the questions to see what they would entail even though it states not to at the very beginning unless you are ready.

47. What is your biggest turn on?
I have to say that my biggest turn on is when a guy comes up from behind me and wraps his arms around me holding me tightly against his form. His chin and cheek tilting my head to the side lightly rough nibbling on my ear or neck as he warmly whisper/growls one word hotly over my ear. "Mine"

48. Tell me five intimate things about yourself. These can be things you’ve done, things you enjoy, things you fantasize about, submissions you would like to experience, whatever you like, so long as they expose to me something about yourself that I wouldn’t otherwise know.
1.) Um I write a lot of erotic scenes and have been commissioned in the past to write them. If things work out later on I would like to one day write a romance novel or erotic novel of some kind.
2.) I get turned on at the doctor's office during my yearly exam. Its not the doctor really but the fact that I'm in an open vulnerable position with someone between my spread legs looking at my most private parts and there isn't really anything I can do but lay there.
3.) I often fantasize about having sex or making love with my clothing on. For example having my skirt hiked up and my panties pulled down.
4.) I am a bit of an exhibitionist and so my flirty nature comes out a lot. I would give oral to someone beneath a table or in a dark movie theater where there is a chance of getting caught.
5.)I would like to experiment and try new positions as I've only had sex in three rea
Vixi "DeBaucherette" Wild - 16 years, 10 months, 5 days ago
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