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HP's Most Luscious Lips Contest | - Free online hangout and friends
Herd Profile: HP's Most Luscious Lips Contest
Led by CocoBon | 45 members

OK this contest is for the daring and sexy...both ladies and gents are welcome to enter. Do people love your kisses?Are others mesmerized by each word that passes through your lips.....this contest may be just for you..... HP's Most Luscious Lips (that being the ones on your face) In the herd discussions I will update you on everything. At the moment, the most important thing is to decide if you want to be apart of the contest or not? To enter 1. Purchase an ENTRY TOKEN from my store 2. Post the token in the TOPIC named ENTRY BOX (which will be in this herd) 3.Upload no more than 3 photos of your most luscious pose (showing you lips of course) Once all entries are in I will create voting tokens and will open the contest officially to the rest of HP.
Herd leaders

CocoBon CocoBon All my bids are donations