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Rick's Personal ThumbHeadquaters | - Free online hangout and friends
Herd Profile: Rick's Personal ThumbHeadquaters
Led by Richard Dmyterko Rick Matthews | 3 members

1. Every day I will post a fresh set of 200 in the topics. 2. If you did not post spam that day, please do NOT thumb. 3. If you have spam I haven't thumbed already, then only return the amount of thumbs you are looking for. That is, if you spam 100, then do 100, if you spam 200, then thumb 200. Leave a marker above, below, or both. 4. If you spam more than 200 every day I will return 200. 5. Every day my spam is deleted and replaced with fresh stuff - you either get here or you don't.

Herd habitat
Herd leaders

Richard Dmyterko Rick Matthews Richard Dmyterko Rick Matthews "☆Inked☆" Wild