So today I had a light bulb moment (as Oprah would say) and its changed my total attitude on things. I was standing in line at a jewlery store (about to buy fab zebra hoops) when I over heard a conversation going on between the cashier and her friend. The story she told was so similar to mine I knew fate had taken me there. It seemed her bf had done the same to her, treated her badly then she had not wanted him to hang out with a certain friend since she was sure he wanted her then after they broke up he immediatly was with that girl. I didnt know whether to laugh or cry at hearing that. It made me think to myself "Ya know what Kris, you arent the only gal thats gone through that. Maybe its time u got over it.". So in that moment I started to reflect on everything.
Because last night was a bad night, and I was feeling pretty bad about everything that had gone on. Until that moment I felt hurt and lonely, but when I realized that its just something that happened, I just suddenly felt better. Now Im not saying I wish people to suffer, cause I feel bad that she had to go through it too but hearing it was like flipping a switch. It was like it renewed the old me, and made me realize who I was. I know how weird that sounds, but hey I am weird :P
Im always worried, ask anyone that realy knows me. But, I decided today to stop doing that, to just be the mellow person I use to be and let go of the hurt of the past yr. I got divorced, lost 40 pounds, had my heart broken, lost a good friend, went to school and struggled and lost peices of me after what my abusive ex had done. It was all very tramtic and it made me forget my number one rule "Someone can only hurt u if u let them, so stop letting them do it." I also realized something else, Id rather be a good person that gets taken advantage of once in awhile than a bad person that hurts other people. Id rather be a strong person that can survive it, than a weak one that falls apart. Because stuff will happen and its how u handle it that counts. Not to say I wont have a bad day, but I feel more like myself that ever. :)
Im going to be that goofy, kinky, bubbly, geeky hippee chick that I know I am. With my Bohemian clothing , my yoga and meditation..herbal tea and 'nothing can bum me out' attitude. Join me in that, join me in knowing that every day is an incarnation celebration! <3
Krista "Princess" *~Sick Fairy~*
- 13 years, 9 months, 28 days ago