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Grimmy J
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- Wolfe -
- Wolfe -
"上品 - NFS"

- Wolfe -
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- Wolfe -
Saw one of my old friend's status went to single.
It once again, reassure me, how fragile human bonds are...

Before, how they've told each other. Love together, no matter what, and forever.
And now, they are part. It reminded me of that river.
I tried to believe how true love never ends. How hope is real, and there are something eternal besides death.
But reality mentioned, and again and again, keep reassuring me, my believes are fantasies.

I don't feel a great cut to my heart, but I do feel sad.
For my friend have lost part of his happiness.
And due to the fact I've experienced without the need of simulations, I understand how that feels.
Not to the extent of how exactly he feels...But I can feel, and remember the pain, when that happened to me.
- Wolfe - "上品 - NFS" - 14 years, 11 months, 25 days ago
- Wolfe -
My mind was free roaming recently.
I thought about love, and the problems, issues that comes with it.

Often hears about people who mind or complains about the age difference...
Age is a physical thing, but yet people claim true love is not at it's physical attraction but who's inside that shell of person.

But if so, if true love means to love the person who's within the body we see with our naked eyes. So that must mean that sex does not matter, since gender is only a physical thing.

But yet, Catholic denies the love of homosexuals. Which in another way means loving the person within is not allowed if the physical form of that two person is similar in ways. So which leads to problem of physical. This sounds absurd, but perhaps it's because originally Christianity itself IS Contradicting?
- Wolfe - "上品 - NFS" - 14 years, 11 months, 27 days ago
- Wolfe -
Still Alive
You have changed
I have changed
Just like you
Just like you

For how long
For how long
Must I wait
I know there's something wrong

Your concrete heart isn't beating
And you tried to
Make it come alive

No shadows
Just red lights
Now I'm here to rescue you

Oh I'm still alive
I'm still alive
I can't apologise no

Oh I'm still alive
I'm still alive
I can't apologise no

So silent
No violence
But inside my head
So loud and clear

You're screaming
You're screaming
Cover up with a smile I've learned to fear

Just sunshine
And blue sky
That's just how it goes
For living here

Come fire
Come fire
Let it burn and love come racing through

Oh I'm still alive
I'm still alive
I can't apologise no

Oh I'm still alive
I'm still alive
I can't apologise no

Learn to lose
Learn to win
Turn my face against the wind

I will move fast
I will move slow
Take me where I have to go

Oh I'm still alive
I'm still alive
I can't apologise no
- Wolfe - "上品 - NFS" - 14 years, 12 months, 3 days ago
- Wolfe -
Once again, I came to a choice I've to make. As the one before. This time I know what to choose, but I still have doubts.

Live in hardship and hell, but with love and warmth.
Or live in peace and calm, but without anything I ever want.

I know what I should choose, what I shouldn't.
But I couldn't make it, couldn't I fuse both together?
Must I pick one from other.
Nothing is perfect, and nothing can be...Is that the rule?
- Wolfe - "上品 - NFS" - 15 years, 4 days ago
- Wolfe -
I was talking to one of my old friends today...It brings...Memories and sadness.
I can feel how fogish the future is like, there's nothing I can control.
There's nothing I can plan out.

I tried to shape it to the way I want it, but it seems to be impossible.

How everything was fine and great in the past. Now, it all came to sand and dust.
And compare to these days, how humans heart have grow weary, disgust.

These days I've changed alot, I'm fighting the demon within me...It's not an easy battle.
But for the dreams I wish for, I keep on fighting.
I hope this will be a battle I wouldn't lose. I hope I can hold on till I reach the finish line.
And sleep in the arms of warmth once again...
- Wolfe - "上品 - NFS" - 15 years, 4 days ago
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Plain Jane
Here is a bear just for you,
He sits there and reads a hiaku,
This isn't one,
But before it is done,
I will wish a good night,
and hope you have no more frights.

Sleep well friend.
⊷A bedtime story⊶ You have been given ⊷A bedtime story⊶.
Crafted by LLB
Plain Jane Content - 14 years, 11 months, 29 days ago
Plain Jane
Good night... hope you dream of happy times.
Night Night You have been given Night Night.
Crafted by DjDevistation
Plain Jane Content - 15 years, 6 days ago
Plain Jane
cooking right now :)
Plain Jane Content - 15 years, 8 days ago
Plain Jane

Hey, Wotcha Doin? You have been given Hey, Wotcha Doin?.
Crafted by Katy Dee
Plain Jane Content - 15 years, 8 days ago
Plain Jane

Hi =3 You have been given Hi =3.
Crafted by DjDevistation
Plain Jane Content - 15 years, 10 days ago
Plain Jane
I would agree with that statement you left on my page. :)
 You have been given .
Crafted by _______
Plain Jane Content - 15 years, 13 days ago
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