This tale comes courtesty of my friend Melissa-Lee King
" Well, it seems that people feel the need to mislead others on hp with fake profiles. This time, it's happened to me. I feel violated, insulted and disgusted. So I'm going to let everyone know what a fake, and pathetic person has done this.
I befriended a girl who went by the name of "Abe Keller". "Abe" and I added eachother to msn and talked quite a bit in chat and through private messages. I THOUGHT she was a friend. I sent her a sexy picture of me asking for her opinion. I went on cam on msn for her asking her advice on what outfit to wear for a date.. changing on cam.
I come to find out that this little skeez is a friend of mine's ex girlfriend.. who posed as someone else to try to get back at him, and befriended me in the process to obviously try to get dirt on him.. which she didn't get.
So to anyone that knows her, or talks to her, here are both of her profiles. She's a backstabbing, conniving little bitch and I will warn everyone that she cannot and should not be trusted.
Thanks for proving what useless people their are in this world. Sad really.. having to use people in your sick little games to get back at your ex.
Crizz InBodn aka Abe Keller"
Travis Dowdy Has a crush
- 16 years, 6 months, 28 days ago