[Disclaimer - these pictures are for reference after I was cleaned up and swelling went down after 24hours]
I need to make this quick and simple.
I can't do all the messages.
And I can't do being conscious much at the moment.
Had the shit kicked outta me after DJing, at about 4:30am GMT on the Sunday morning. I'm now a crumpled bloodied mess.
A nutjob went for one of my dancing girls, and I "got in the way"
Rather effectively as well because I've been in ICU since Sunday and I'm not leaving any time soon. And yes, I took the beating to distract while someone else got my girl out of the way. Thankfully they brought the club security back with them or I'd be a lot worse.
Can't swallow, talk or walk. Had several xrays, CT scan, endoscope put down my throat.
The cartilage in my throat is broken and my voicebox is lacerated to the point my voice may not be the same again apparently.
Some have heard about this on the news, some have heard because are friends on here.
I am sorry for those I love that are finding out this way, especially mostly my pets... but this is the best way to inform on here.
Also this message was dictated to the Nurse.
Karma is being good to me as for the last 48 hours (ish) I have been surrounded by nothing but cute, happy, smiley, lovely and hard working Nurses of whom apparently remember me from both my years working here as well as the club I DJ.
So between that and why I took such a beating, if I *could* be touched much right now, the ego stroking is almost too much :P
This private room and internet for me to watch anime helps.
But mostly the hot Nurses :P
I love my NHS Nurses. You are the salt, sweat and sugar of the country.
Kay -DJK- Cathersides "The Favorite ;)" [My Owner>Your Owner]
- 8 years, 24 days ago