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TheShadowChaos , 41/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:4:20 PM
Join date:17 years, 1 month, 29 days ago
Location: Greenville, IL United States

"Blood is thicker than water.......and it tastes good too!"
About me:

"You're damned to follow us into the path of Darkness and hiss at random holy things, drink their blood, cook them with Mrs. Dash seasoning over an open fire." -The Shadow Chaos

I'm Stacey and I'll be your hostess for this page. Let me tell you a little about myself. Others know me as either Ace or Shadow Chaos online. My close friends just call me Stace or Ace. Or I'm even known as "The Amazon".

I live in the close minded town of Greenville Illinois. Within whom most of the people here are so judgemental and fear the unknown or what they don't understand. Being primarily a Christian town, I get a lot of heat from the locals with me being a Pagan. That's right! I said it! And I'll say it loud and proud! I'm a PAGAN! A Dark Pagan to be exact!

I practice the darker ways of Witchcraft. I practice Nocturnal Witchcraft. And no, you weren't hearing things either. I said WITCHCRAFT! Yes, I am a Witch and damn proud of it. I am a solitary Night Witch.

Here's a little tid-bit of information for all you non-believer Mundanes out there. Vampyres are real! Say what? Did you say Vampires? NO! I said Vampyres! Get it straight people! We are not the creatures of Myth or Fantasy. We are not the monsters that are portrayed in Hollywood movies. We are a culture of people in this same world that YOU live in. Some of us call it HLV: Human Living Vampirism. I myself, don't like that term, it's too.........degrading. I have my own believes on Vampirism. Which if you'd like to know, feel free to message me.

Most people who read my profile will claim that I'm crazy, but I don't care. I never claimed to be sane anyways. But those who are my true friends know me for who and what I am and will be by my side till the end.

Thank you so kindly for taking the time to visit my profile. Happy haunting and Darkest Blessings.

About you:
Nightkind and other creatures of darkness.
Looking for: Friendship and dating
Orientation: Bi
Herds (lead): Nightkind
Herds: ÇÖvëñ ÖF ÐâRKÑÊ$§, Careful...... We Bite, Pagan Pets, *Bi and Lesbian Girls*, Witches/Wiccans/Pagans, Hot Bi/Lesbian Girls, Bi-Les Girls <no guys>, Lesbian/Bi Furballs, HP's Goth/Vampire
TheShadowChaos's tales
A little something I made with various photos of myself and graphics. Enjoy! ;)

TheShadowChaos "Darius'" - 15 years, 11 months, 2 days ago
The Church Of Google Forum: Letter to "Christians":

Post #38:

First off let me say, your religion has never been "quiet". Not once in your 2000 years of oppression (yes that's right I said it) have you been "quiet".
You weren't quiet when your religion started and you are most certainly not quiet today. You claim to lay low? I've had a Christian (from one branch or another) at my doorstep every fucking Saturday since I can remember. That's forcing your religion on others. How exactly is that quiet or laying low?

I am a history buff, and I can rip apart your bible within minutes. 98% of what is written in there is stolen from older cultures or total bullshit.
Adam and Eve - Where's Lilith? Your religion is based in Judaism, quote them correctly or not at all. Adam ate an apple, which was taken from the Tree Of KNOWLEDGE, Your god doesn't want you to know anything? (It's also the same tree Odin hung from, odd. I will get to Odin in a minute.) Because of that apple, we all die. But Adam, lived for 930yrs? Why don't we all live that long?
Noah - stolen. Not only did you steal the story you changed almost all of it yes there was a flood and and his name is correct the rest is totally wrong. He never built an arch. He floated on the sea with the rest of the people in his town on what was more than likely a small barge. (He was later kicked out his town, did you add that?)

Moses - bullshit Parted the red Sea? First off, wrong Sea and secondly the backpacking trip from Egypt to "The Promised Land" takes 11 fucking days. I'm thinking after a year I would have known the idiot was lost. Therefore your commandments are bullshit and repeat themselves.

Holidays - All stolen. Easter, Palm Sunday and your favorite Christmas. Jesus was likely born in June or July. Not on Dec 25th. The Christmas holiday is actually a winter festival held by pagans to celebrate the winter solstice. You either stolen from Romans, Wicca, Judaism or stories so old EVERY culture has a version of it (Cain and Abel, the warring brothers).

Not only do you steal from other beliefs you only take half the story and ad-lib the rest. Or exaggerate beyond any other religion I have ever studied. I have studied history and religion in my spare time for many many years and I can honestly say, your religion is probably the most ridiculous of them all. Not because your savior was a flawed man with an incredibly bad temper, but because you believe blindly that he is in fact perfect. Also he was never married, lived with his mom and never had children. A man of his age, who lived in those times who wasn't married with children by the age of 25 would have NEVER been followed. No one would have listened to him. They would have snickered behind his back.

Grow the fuck up and read your fucking bible. Your god gave you free will, which you refuse to exercise. You only do what your church and your commandments deem as okay to do. The only faith any fucking human should have is in themselves. The belief and the knowledge that no matter what comes their way, they can handle it. Instead, you kneel in a fucking church and pray for wisdom and knowledge. Go to a fucking library. There you will learn how much bullshit is really in your bible and how much oppression you have really caused.

I will use only a few examples:
Native Americans. They were not wiped out by "evil white man" they were wiped out by Christianity. You forced them to not use their languages! You forced them into your churches to pray for a salvation they had already found, with the great mother earth. 90% of their languages are now all gone. Thanks to you. (One of those languages saved our ass in WWII)

Norse beliefs. You wave your cross in front of Norseman, a image of a man hanging from a cross, when their beliefs had a Man (Odin) hanging from the world tree upside down for 9days (funny also pierced by a spear, his own Gugnir) for what? Not to save his people of the sins they are born with but, for knowledge, yes that evil word again. By the way, the word Wednesday hails from his name Wodan, so every time you say that word Wednesday, you are committing a sin. Sound ludicrous? Well you made up the rules, I am just happily obliging you.

Your image of Satan. The horned goat, he's actually a stag (and or reindeer). He's the god of early hunters to show his power over his prey. Yes he is the image of death, but life and death are a continuous cycle. Not an evil god who makes you do bad things. Try accepting responsibility for your own actions. The devil didn't make you do, you fucking wanted to.

My favorite, the "witch". This image was created by your religion to make the elder female in a village look "evil". Because she had the knowledge (taught no doubt by the previous elder woman of the village, all this knowledge had been known for thousands of years) of herbs to cure the common cold and all your prays could not make this happen. So you gave her a wart, gave her a few more wrinkles and a hat. You also gave her a cauldron and a giant spoon, for her evil potions! What she was actually cooking was a few simple herbs that are found in the ground for the poor sick villager in her tent. Trying to ease their pain and suffering brought on by disease that comes naturally to us all. (Common cold, flu, cancer and many other diseases that plague humans.) Later in your religion, your head honchos killed more than a million "witches" Who were just free thinking woman. So if are a woman who can read and write, you have the devil's knowledge. Careful the inquisition could be around the corner again.

Do you see yet how retarded you honestly look to those of us who have used knowledge (evil) to enrich our lives? Those of us who have thought outside the bible and learned what we could to better understand where we come from and where we are heading. I would much rather come from the ape line than a 930yr old man who can't think for himself, is convinced by his sister (she came from him, same DNA) to eat an apple that destroys humanity forever and then he fucks her.

You say most of the population is still Christian. This is in fact true. But, mass stupidity is usually more present in large groups.
TheShadowChaos "Darius'" - 15 years, 11 months, 11 days ago

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J L "My Cheshire Cat" Serene - 15 years, 6 months, 2 days ago
J L logged on. I dunno what you like to eat. Blood is nutritious and delicious. Shepard's eat it, so it must be good.
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J L "My Cheshire Cat" Serene - 15 years, 6 months, 9 days ago
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LadY HeatheN "⛓️⚔️⛓" We Will Own You - 15 years, 6 months, 10 days ago

sending you happy wishes~ღ You have been given sending you happy wishes~ღ.
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Kris10 "⭐" Carefree - 15 years, 9 months, 4 days ago

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Kris10 "⭐" Carefree - 15 years, 9 months, 4 days ago
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TheShadowChaos's shop
Vampyric Charms


Have a vampy, witchy, or gothic pet that needs spoiling? You'll find an assortment of goodies just for them. Enjoy the darkness!

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Spell of seduction
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Spell of seduction
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Egyptian Blessings
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You sexy Witch you!
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You sexy Witch you!
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Sin like you mean it!
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Sin like you mean it!
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My cat ate your fish
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My cat ate your fish
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a taste of forbidden fruit
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a taste of forbidden fruit
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Viles of blood
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A Bloody Good Time!
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A Bloody Good Time!
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Bag Of Blood
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Bloody Temptation
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Bloody Temptation
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Nocturnal Blessings
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Nocturnal Blessings
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Blessed be the nightkind
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Blessed be the nightkind
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Blessing of fire and passion
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Blessing of fire and passion
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Goodnight's Kiss
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Goodnight's Kiss
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