The perfect way to study human behavior is be in this chat room ! Apparently being your self and nice really doesn't work . True it's a chat room people go into these places to loose them self in a fantasy, to show off and not be them selves that they have to be in the real world.
what I've noticed is that their is a certain kind of person most gravitate towards. It's the people who will say anything to flatter you into believing what they say is sincere . Does that mean every one has a motive probably not but those who are just paying some one a complement or trying to be friendly are considered creepy cause they aren't what people are looking for visually or in the way they act.
This I can safely say happens all the time. People will deny it it to save face and not make them selves out to be a bad person.
I just can't figure out why bother to start talking to some one then just out of the blue stop or talk to some one till some one better comes along. I find that very hurtful and ignorant. The one quality I will always respect in a person is honesty. Say what you really mean to me or some one else. That I can take a lot better then self serving lies and bullshit from people. I may be repeating myself from my first tale but it amazes how people act in this day and age. Am I perfect no never claimed to be never will claim to think I'm above others just to serve my ego. All I can do is be me and if others can't be bothered to know me for me and rather be with the fake people so be it can't make them do what they don't want to do ...
Well that's my two cents if you don't like it sucks to be you ... Blaine LeBlanc Content
- 15 years, 9 months, 11 days ago
This song is to no one and every one ...
"Another F.U. Song"
Hey kids, its time to use the "F" word
Fuck fuck fuck fuck... Fuck dieing, Fuck laughing Fuck crying Fuck this song, But mostly Fuck You Fuck love, hate and friends Fuck following trends, Fuck this song, Can't wait till it ends.
Fuck everything, But fuck you the most Fuck everyone But fuck you the most, With a big rusty pole or a splintery post Fuck you the most, fuck you
Fuck old school Fuck new school Fuck not cool Fuck too cool Fuck hip and ironically lame Fuck giving advice Fuck trying to be nice Fuck you and you know who you are
Fuck everything, But fuck you the most Fuck everyone But fuck you the most, With a big rusty pole or a splintery post Yeah, Fuck you the most, fuck you
Fuck you [repeat until the end] Blaine LeBlanc Content
- 15 years, 9 months, 29 days ago
If anyone watches the show scrubs or has just heard about it some of you may know the show ended 8 seasons last night with the original cast on May 6th 09. After watching it myself I got on you tube and found the opening song by Lazlo Bane and the acappella version performed by Sam Lloyd (aka Ted the hospitals resident lawyer) who"s band has performed on the show several times.
I just thought both versions are great and just wanted to share them with who ever looks at my profile. I'm including the lyrics and both songs enjoy.
Superman :
No, no, no, no, no, no, no (I can’t do it) No, no, no, no, no, no
Out the door just in time Heading down the 405 Gotta meet the new boss by 8:00 a.m. The phone rings in the car The wife is working hard She's running late tonight again
Well, I know what I've been told You got to work to feed the soul But I can't do this all on my own No, I know, I'm no Superman I'm no Superman
You've got your love online You think you're doing fine But you're just plugged into the wall (He can’t do it) And that deck of tarot cards Won't get you very far There ain't no hand to break your fall (He can’t do it)
Well, I know what I've been told You gotta know just when to fold But I can't do this all on my own No, I know, I'm no Superman I'm no Superman
That's right
You've crossed the finish line Won the race but lost your mind Was it worth it after all? (He can’t do it) I need you here with me ‘Cause love is all we need Just take a hold of the hand that breaks the fall
Well, I know what I've been told You gotta break free to break the mold But I can't do this all on my own (He can't do it all on his own) I can't do this all on my own (He can't do it all on his own)
I know that I'm no Superman I'm no Superman (He can’t do it)
Someday we'll be together (I'm no Superman) Someday (Someday soon, oh, no) Someday we'll be together Oh, someday soon, someday soon Oh, no I'm no Superman
OK I have something I want to say regarding the main chat room. As of late it hasn't been very friendly in there.
Certain people have made it their goal to make other people feel like shit. I can't for the life of me figure out how some one can be a friend with one person then all of a sudden ignore who they used to chat with for some other flavor of the month this happens to me all the time.
Its true I can't make people do what they don't want i'm not saying they have to do anything. What my point is don't be an asshole don't get the attitude that you are better then others that it's ok to treat people disrespectfully before getting to know them and ignoring them cause the person or persons are beneath you. It's never my intention to go into the chat and cause trouble and put people down for example their was one person I entered a room didn't say anything but hi this person told me to fuck off. I may act the fool be silly sometimes but i don't take things seriously. I try to get to know every one but most people could careless about a new person and can't be bothered. I'm just old fashion you treat others how you want to be treated. I could list all the names of the people in the chat room who act that way but it's not in me to do something like that.
With all that said another thing I can't understand is the word EMO . If you are anything but happy and you show any other emotion but happy and aren't kissing the supposedly cool peoples asses they call you emo. I would like to state right now I AM NOT EMO I DO NOT WEAR EYELINER, I DO NOT WEAR TIGHT JEANS, I DO NOT CUT MYSELF, I DO NOT DRESS ALL IN BLACK, I DO NOT DYE MY HAIR BLACK, I DO NOT MOPE AROUND ALL DAY LOOKING FOR PITY. If I show any other emotion besides happy it's frustration and anger towards how I'm treated so to all those people in the chat who think they are so perfect and all that and call me emo. I have two words for you " FUCK YOU !! " I know who the real people are in there ... This I got off the internet the true definitions of the word emo ...
Emo has two different meanings. One is a style of music. The other is a label people use to describe a group. The group of teens that use the label say that emo is short for emotional, but the term originally came from the Indie music style called Emotive Hardcore. It is a sub-genre of punk.
The music: It's basically punk rock, except the lyrics are about emotional things rather than being a rebel. Emo is a kind of rock music which describes several independent types of music with common similar roots. Mid-tempo hardcore punk, pioneered around roughly '85 by the D.C. band Rites of Spring. It's in no relation to the pseudo-emocore/mall punk of today. Google REVOLUTION SUMMER/MID-WEST EMO for more information on the legitimate genre.
The People: It is a label people give themselves for being apathetic and emotional to an extreme (usually miserable), but wallowing in it and not wanting it to change. They tend to feel they are misunderstood and that life is not fair to them in specific. It is in fashion with some of the group to cut themselves and wear heavy eye make-up. The hair cuts tend to have awkward sharp angles and are often glossed. Many of the guys wear very tight jeans, often women's. The girls tend to lean more towards late 70's to early 80's fashion. Blaine LeBlanc Content
- 15 years, 11 months, 4 days ago