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The King in Yellow
The King in Yellow owns this human at 1000000 points.

Dark Contemplatio n
The King in Yellow
The King in Yellow

The King in Yellow, 92/Male
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:2:39 AM
Join date:16 years, 5 months, 21 days ago
Location: Carthage, Tunisia Tunisia

"Call me Hastur"
About me:
No character from literature appeals to me more then the "King in Yellow" and thus my choice of icon. As far as who I really am, I tell you, I am old by the standards of this media, I have in my time stood on all the continents save one. I have been a warrior, hero, lover, father, artist and poet. I have also been things less savory. I have carried the cross and been broken upon it. I still love to don armour and sword and educate the young who think they know the song of steel. I am fascinated by a generation who reveres death, I wonder if they still would if they had walked where I've been. I am a published author, SHADOWS OF TIME, Ken Webb ISBN-10: 1937182088 is available internationally through, Barnes and Noble and most other book sources, it is also available as an E-Book for your Kindle, Nook and other devices. Take a walk with me on the dark and bloody ground. . . I dare you. A lot of what I write here on Human Pets will not appear anywhere else, this is my favorite site for airing new material, some of which goes on to be edited towards print, and some doesn't. I self publish on several sites in order to receive either peer or reader comments and critiques. If you like something you see here, tell me, if you don't like it, tell me that too but go beyond that, tell me "why" that's the stuff that will get you inside the cover of my next book. I have a soft offer from my current publisher for a future colection which is in the works check back from time to time and you'll see it here first.
About you:
Rules: Act with respect and you will be treated with respect. I like HP very much and wish to remain here, therefore I adhere to the rules. If you ask I will happily read your "Tales" thumb them if I like them or not if I don't. I recognize kindness with kindness and gentleness with gentleness. I chose this profile pic because of many reasons, my favorite colour is - all of them. My number is 13. I aspire to be me. The animal I most identify with is the crow. "Enter freely and of your own will knowing that you are my honored guest and under my protection in this place."
Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Straight
Herds (lead): Whispered Echoes, Yellow King
Herds: WickedSalem's Bedtime Stories..
Dark Contemplatio n
The King in Yellow
The King in Yellow
1000000 pts
477750 pts
The's tales
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The King in Yellow
is only a narrow bridge
the banks are reason and desire
I'm after you
the sunlight confuses the mind
a blind child that crawls forward
because it smells its mother

I find you

The track is fresh and on the bridge
drops your sweat, your warm blood
I don't see you
I only smell you, I sense you
a predator that screams of hunger
I track you for miles by scent

You smell so good
you smell so good
I follow you
you smell so good
I find you
- so good
I'm after you
you smell so good
I will have you soon

Now I have you

I wait until it is dark
then I touch your wet skin
don't betray me
oh don't you see the bridge is burning
stop screaming and don't resist
because otherwise it will break apart

You smell so good
you smell so good
I follow you
you smell so good
I find you
- so good
I'm after you
you smell so good
I will have you soon

You smell so good
you smell so good
I follow you
you smell so good
I find you
- so good
I touch you
you smell so good
now I have you

You smell so good
you smell so good
I follow you

The King in Yellow "Hastur" Dark Contemplatio n - 9 years, 9 months, 24 days ago
The King in Yellow
It's feeling her bite your shoulder until the skin parts;
and it's okay because it's her.
It's chasing her because she put ice down your back;
slipping and coming up spitting blood and teeth, but laughing because it's her.
It's about driving across countries where you don't speak the languages and killing cars by putting the wrong gas in them . . . FOR HER.
It's about her knowing that you will shove someone down a disposal for her and cry when her cat dies and be there for everything even though that's impossible.
It's about picking a coal out a fire with your bare hand and showing her what the moon would look like if it was orange.
It's about buying every type of drink you can find in a strange country because she said she was thirsty but didn't want to get out of bed.
It's about scaring the bogens away, it's about giving up your jacket, it's about just wanting one more heart beat together.

Now ask me how I feel about my son.
The King in Yellow "Hastur" Dark Contemplatio n - 9 years, 10 months, 9 days ago
The King in Yellow

The King in Yellow "Hastur" Dark Contemplatio n - 10 years, 1 month, 28 days ago
The King in Yellow

Caeroch pulled the steel from the oven. It was glowing brilliant orange and set fire to the thick leather mitts he was using. The acrid burning smell filled the small shop. When he was younger, his shop had been much larger and he had spent too much time walking from one place to another and had lost too much heat to achieve perfection. Blades had twisted right before his eyes as parts cooled faster than others.

The vice was huge; made of cast iron with birch wood covers on the jaws. It was coated with a mix of tallow and charcoal. Binding the blade was the most dangerous part; jets of flame exploded out of the seams of the vice as he stepped down hard slamming the jaws closed.

It had taken a week to form the billet – painstakingly picking little splinters of iron out of the furnace ashes, discarding some and setting others aside. Then he had welded the iron together, alternately whispering his wishes for the perfect blade and hammering the sparking splints until they fused together.

He wasn’t sure if he believed in gods, but it was a fact that things could go wrong for reasons he didn’t understand, so he murmured a prayer to whatever was listening to him. “Keep the blade straight and I will give you mead.” The wood in the vice popped and moaned, burning brighter than the forge that smoldered against the wall. Caeroch was always treating with someone, but it almost never took. He had treated with his wife, “Tarlila, stay with me until I make this sword and then you will have all the time with me that you want.” But there was always one more blade, one more noble who demanded the best. Then he had treated with his son, “Beorn, I have to do this or there will be no bread on the table. I will see you play the games next week.” He'came home one day from digging bog iron and Tarlila was gone. Beorn had left the fall after that; marching off to war with his friends. Neither came back.

The flames on the vice died down, and he relaxed a bit. The wood was going to hold, he thought. If it had split, he could try to replace the splints or to put the blade back into the oven. He looked up at the oven and realized he had forgotten to stoke it, so it wouldn’t have mattered. Beorn would have taken care of that. From the time the boy was three he had worked in the shop with his Da. He reveled in helping with even the smallest chore. Caeroch hoped the blade the boy had taken had served him well. Maybe he would come home in the spring.

The flames were out now, and the vice only barely smoked. He listened carefully and was rewarded with silence. If there had been the pings of stressed metal, it would have meant the blade was cooling too fast. The steel would have been full of cracks and flaws; pulling itself apart like everything else in his life. Every little “tink” sound was a crack in the blade; you couldn’t see them but they were there.

Caeroch rubbed his left shoulder. He had worked the bellows too hard and now his shoulder was telling him about it. The pain extended up to his neck. He’d heat some wine to help him sleep and forget the pain. Right now there was only the blade.

It was another hour before the wood and the vice were cool. He said a prayer to whatever was there and then kicked the ratchet loose. The blade fell to the ground and rang like a bell; it was a good sign, but there was still more to do.

He took the blade outside where the light was good and clamped it to a wooden bench. He began with a course rasp and then progressing to fine and finer files he set the edge on the sword. With every pass, he loved the blade a little bit more and with the last pass he was sure that it was his best work ever.

Now for the final temper or hardening. Compared to everything that he had done so far it would be easy but it must be done just right. His shoulder ached more than ever and was spreading to his chest. “I’ll take tomorrow off and maybe the day after that.”

The pain ripped through him like a spike of ice and drove him to the ground. Blackness swelled out of the shadows filling his eyes, and he knew no more.

* * *

Beorn picked up the blade blank from the sharpening bench. It was pitted with rust from being out in the weather. This is where the charcoal burner said they found his Da. He tossed the blade into the bin and smiled at the way it rang.

“What was that?” his young wife asked.

“I don’t know, some scrap. I’ll use it to make you wind chimes.”

The King in Yellow "Hastur" Dark Contemplatio n - 10 years, 1 month, 28 days ago
The King in Yellow

The King in Yellow "Hastur" Dark Contemplatio n - 10 years, 1 month, 28 days ago
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weird world it is You have been given weird world it is .
Crafted by zombie boy
LadY HeatheN "⛓️⚔️⛓" 🎶💀🎶 - 1 year, 9 days ago

bReAkFasT foR u!~ You have been given bReAkFasT foR u!~.
Crafted by Katherine See
LadY HeatheN "⛓️⚔️⛓" 🎶💀🎶 - 4 years, 4 months, 16 days ago
Susie Kickaholeinthesky
Hiya...just checking the pulse...hehee! Hope you're doing well?
night bird You have been given night bird.
Crafted by click here to change
Susie Kickaholeinthesky "☆~Susie~☆" Rabid - 8 years, 2 months, 2 days ago
Are you still alive?
a creepy serenade You have been given a creepy serenade.
Crafted by Bones
wolfwithin "Wolf Within" ~Dented & Kinked~ - 8 years, 5 months, 6 days ago

have a good day! You have been given have a good day!.
Crafted by K
Ahgony "Jumelle" I Bite - 8 years, 11 months, 3 days ago
It was nice to have you on my page. I happen to have so little time for HP lately. I was just reading what Rhianna wrote below. So true and well worded. I always admire you people, having such a great way with words.
Thank you for your kindness. You have been given Thank you for your kindness..
Crafted by Lady Scarlett
HeKATe "Quinta Essentia" Love Peace & all that Sh!t - 9 years, 9 months, 24 days ago
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The's shop
The Garden of Whispered Echoes

No fuzzy unicorns farting rainbows or soft porn here. Only things Nostvar which means things darkly humorous or vaguely threatening, maybe even lightly humerous and overtly threatening, one never knows. I do keep the top sellers on top. If you haven't seen something in a while and want it back tell me I'll resurrect it

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