
"Lust "
Name: |
Tegan Alice, 38/Female
Last login: | over 3 weeks ago |
Local time: | 8:10 AM |
Join date: | 17 years, 7 months, 27 days ago |
Location: | Australia
"Love me." |
About me:
I'm torn between wanting to be around people, and wanting to be alone. Life can get too busy, making me want to hide a bit. I love my jobs. I work in an art gallery. I'm about to start working in a live music venue, behind the bar. I love music. I love sleeping. I love snuggles. I love food. I love being the best at things. I love avocado and vegemite on toast. I love kisses. I love warm hugs. I love being loved. I love to love. I hate whingy people. I hate people who don't help themselves. I hate people who make the same mistakes over and over again. I hate the idea of doing anything halfassed. I think I have mild OCD.. ^y^
About you:
Everyone. Seriously. I might not want to talk to you much AFTER I meet you.. haha.. But I would still love to meet you :)
Looking for: | Friendship |
Orientation: | Unspecified
| Herds (lead): | Thoughts and spam | Herds: | Livin in the Land Down Under | |
Tegan's tales
Oh! Also.. the party was kinda weird.. cos the birthday boy was already kind of in bed when I got there. He emerged eventually and we all ate home made lasagne in the kitchen and drank vodka and apple juice. He was wearing a crown. I think that I would like a crown at my next birthday. Tiaras are for squares. We also listened to Cher's Turn Back Time more than I care to admit. Wow. This party sounds actually kind of lame now that I write it down.. but it was good! I promise! One of his presents was a blow up pool. We spent ages blowing it up and even longer filling it.. and then had a sweet pool party. I didn't have togs, so I just went in my underwear. Lucky it wasn't washing day, so I had nice underwear on. Maybe a little bit too sexy.. but that is OK. Other people were too shy at first.. but once I broke through the barrier.. they all followed suit. This is a trend setting tale.
Tegan Alice "Lust " Cheeky
- 15 years, 4 months, 4 days ago
This evening I went to a friend's place to celebrate his birthday. One of my close friends came and picked me up to go there.. ON A MOTORBIKE! I have never been on a motorbike before! I was so scared at the start! I didn't know where to put my hands.. or anything. After a while I sorted things out.. and it was really fun (still so scary though!). The wind got in my eyes and made me cry a bit.. but that was OK.. because I was on a motorbike!! I had a sweet helmet and I wore my leather jacket. I love my leather jacket. It has skulls on the inside. If you have a leather jacket.. it is probably better than the one you have. Not to be mean or anything.. it is just that good. This is an Evil Knievil tale (sort of).
Tegan Alice "Lust " Cheeky
- 15 years, 4 months, 4 days ago
I am moving house at the start of next month. I am trying to find someone to take my room. Today a girl came to look at the place. I baked cupcakes so that she would want to move in. Isn't that what you're supposed to do? Lure someone into your house with the smell of baking? Oh well. Even if it turns out it didn't work I still have cupcakes.. That's a win, right? This is a "use-my-baking-skills-to-my-advantage" tale.
Tegan Alice "Lust " Cheeky
- 15 years, 4 months, 26 days ago
I made a shop ^_^ It has taken me so long to get around to it.. but finally! FINALLY! I made one. I hope people like what I have put in it. I would feel sad if they didn't. This is an entreprenurial tale!
Tegan Alice "Lust " Cheeky
- 15 years, 4 months, 28 days ago
I think I have an addiction. Not a conventional addiction like cigarettes, drugs or gambling. I'm addicted to the dog park. My sisters and I recently got a car.. so now we can go WHEREVER WE LIKE! I like to go to the dog park. It's OK. I actually have a dog. It isn't like I'm some weirdo who goes to dog parks and plays with other people's dogs without actually having one of my own. That would be like going to a party empty handed then drinking everyone else's drinks. No I take Charlie along.. but I secretly think I love it even more than he does. My housemate's joke about taking ME to the dog park and bringing the dog along as a secondary. But seriously. The dog park is a magical place. It is a place where dogs come together to smell, play, chase and generally do doggy things. I've been four times now, (3 times in the last 3 days..), and I think I know the names of half the dogs in the area. I went to the shops the other day and when I came out there was a dog tied up outside. That's pretty standard.. but this time I actually knew it's name. I took my trolley back and gave him a big pat. Eventually his owner came out of the shops and I realised that I didn't even know HIS name. It was a bit awkward. Luckily he introduced himself and it became a little less weird. But yes. I am addicted. I find myself looking at the clock during the day.. thinking "can we go already..??" Prime dog park time is around 4pm on weekends and after 5pm on weekdays. Amazing. This is an "OH MY GOD I GET TO PLAY WITH A MILLION DOGS!!" tale ..and I always considered myself more of a cat person :/
Tegan Alice "Lust " Cheeky
- 16 years, 2 months, 29 days ago
Cherry Bombshell
Pretty ladies and special treats.
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