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Tania Hermosillo | - Free online hangout and friends
Claudia Acosta
Claudia Acosta owns this human at 218295 points.

Parameters are unleash
Tania Hermosillo
Tania Hermosillo

Tania Hermosillo, 38/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:3:26 AM
Join date:16 years, 5 months, 4 days ago
Location: Guadalajara Mexico

"Parameter's are unleash"
About me:
I do a lot of things.. i can't stay calm!. I enjoy talking whit all kind of people, is really intersting learn the different points of view about life and know the perception who form our lifestyle. Im vegan and a totally nerdy girl who likes to practice sports.. soccer, tenis, work out at gym, grab my bike and go with the flow.. swim, camping. Im Eloquent, nobility, honest, loyal, persevering and loving n.n °°Soy toda una amalgama de esencias formadas a través de la experiencia modificadas continuamente ante los diferentes cambios contextuales que estructuran el implemento de nuevas habilidades°°

MySpace Layouts

Myspace Layouts at / Pop art

About you:
Everyone is welcome n.n
Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Unspecified
Herds (lead): Kuchiki Rukia, Kurosaki Ichigo
Herds: ANIME LOVERS, *Bi and Lesbian Girls*, Veggies Unite, Healthy Pets!, Fitness Freaks, $$$Get rich or die trying$$$, Laura en America Pet Version 1.0, viry´s herd, $$$Pimpin ain't easy$$$, WE <3 BIKINIS, °|The Arts Lounge|°
Anahi Hermosillo
Anahi Hermosillo
"supernova artist"
55125 pts
52500 pts

4410 pts
Yamila Vid
Yamila Vid
1103 pts
Tania's tales
Tania Hermosillo

No puedo siquiera reconocer la sensación que se esparce por cada uno de mis tejidos corporales.. ni siquiera entiendo que me duele más.. sigo sin entender porqué me dolerá.. caso alguno supuestamente no tendrá.. simplemente es un espectro fuera de mi realidad, nunca fue genial nunca como algún día lo fuese, porqué en ocasiones las vidas entrelazan sentido adversos.. la necesidad de algo carece de prudencia y un deseo en exceso? Sigo sin entender este dolor inmenso.. sigue esparciéndose como plaga en cautiverio.. hum.. irrazonable por cierto… instinto imagino lleno de amor, tonto e inocente.. iluso e insolente.. menos fuerte que nada, pero aun más fuerte que todo..

music Pictures, Images and Photos


I can not even recognize the feeling that spreads for each of my body tissues .. not even understand that it hurts me more .. I still do not understand why they hurt .. supposedly will not have any case .. is simply a spectrum out of my reality, was never great as ever it was some day, because sometimes the lives intertwine adverse effect .. the need for something lacking prudence and a desire overpaid? I still do not understand this immense pain .. continues to spread as a pest in captivity .. hum .. indeed unreasonable instinct ... I imagine full of love, silly and innocent .. dreamer and insolent .. less strong that nothing, but still stronger than everything ..
Tania Hermosillo "piporreishon" Parameters are unleash - 16 years, 4 months, 10 days ago
Tania Hermosillo


Not as easy as you might think.

1. Where is your cell phone? Anywhere

2. Describe your boyfriend/girlfriend? None

3. Your hair? Long

4. Your mother? Cool

5. Your father? Rocks

6. Your favourite item? Notebook

7. Your dream last night? Mesy

8. Your favourite drink? Diet coke

9. Your dream car? Mustang 67'

10. The room you are in? Livingroom

11. Your ex? T.T

12. Your fear? Fail

13. What do you want to be in 10 years? Trainer

14. Who did you hang out with last night? Mariel

15. What you're not? Convergent

19. The last thing you did? Play

20. What are you wearing? Pjs

22. Your favourite book? Nutrition

23. The last thing you ate? Vegetables

24. Your life? Weird

25. Your mood? Anxious

26. Your friends? Awesome

27. What are you thinking about right now? Dreaming

28. Your car? Confortable

29. What are you doing at the moment? Thinking

30. Your summer? Fun

31. Your relationship status? Committed

32. What is on your tv? Videogames

33. When is the last time you laughed? Today

34. Last time you cried? Today

35. School? Awesome

Tania Hermosillo "piporreishon" Parameters are unleash - 16 years, 4 months, 11 days ago
Tania Hermosillo
In the land of nothing happends..

UH HUH HER Pictures, Images and Photos

Most likely have some music for enjoy it!
Tania Hermosillo "piporreishon" Parameters are unleash - 16 years, 5 months, 3 days ago

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Claudia Acosta

Good Karma You have been given Good Karma.
Crafted by Claudia Acosta
Claudia Acosta Everything will be alright - 6 years, 10 months, 7 days ago
Giovanni Bulni
Hola Tania!!!!!!:)
Giovanni Bulni "Gio :))" - 13 years, 6 months, 26 days ago
Claudia Acosta
hahahaha sorry for el slap my friend xD pero se me hizo chistoso xD
iThink i'm back to this game of shit, just to start again ya' know
SLAP! You have been given SLAP!.
Crafted by Chaxy
Claudia Acosta Everything will be alright - 14 years, 8 months, 15 days ago

~gathered all the stars for you~ You have been given ~gathered all the stars for you~.
Crafted by the bunneh
Carol "Princess♥Valli" Adored - 14 years, 11 months, 22 days ago

~Hugs~ You have been given ~Hugs~.
Crafted by mee
Carol "Princess♥Valli" Adored - 14 years, 11 months, 22 days ago
It's been a long time...

I miss you ;-)
Missing you  ♥ You have been given Missing you ♥.
Crafted by Enchantress
Misha "Misha" Reconnaissan te et séductrice ; - 14 years, 11 months, 22 days ago
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Tania's shop
°'°Tanob dungeon°'°

A little this... a little that....

A colorfull path
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A colorfull path
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Express yourselft
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200 pts
Express yourselft
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Are you ready for me?
1 use

200 pts
Are you ready for me?
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Making the diference
1 use

200 pts
Making the diference
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A message for you
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A message for you
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Puella by Mark Ryden
1 use

200 pts
Puella by Mark Ryden
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Kayuma Hime by Aya Kato
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200 pts
Kayuma Hime by Aya Kato
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Wanna join me?
1 use

200 pts
Wanna join me?
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