Submissive You are a taker. You take whatever is thrown at you when you have sex and always let your partner lead you by the nose. Though not always comfortable with new ideas, you tend to let it all process before really getting into something new. It's possible that you are inexperienced but that doesn't by any means make you "bad". In fact, it's a really great thing! You're most likely waiting for Mr./Mrs. Right to come along before giving all of yourself to having sex. For this, when you do find the right person, the lovemaking will be AMAZING and you'll be so glad you didn't try new things before as it will be something special you share with the one you've been waiting for..
Sir Wolfie"wolfie"Looking for new Playthings
- 16 years, 1 month, 18 days ago
More Work done on my dragon tattoo :)
Sir Wolfie"wolfie"Looking for new Playthings
- 16 years, 2 months, 24 days ago
I trusted you, and you broke that trust. I Apologized for what I don't know even know anymore... You broke your promises to me... And you made me feel worthless, and you can't even say your sorry or face me... Whatever, its your loss, I'm done with you. And done with trying to pull you up from the ground.
Sir Wolfie"wolfie"Looking for new Playthings
- 16 years, 2 months, 24 days ago