The name is Sally,
I'm 27, A Leo... Rawr.
I love music, sports, art, partying and hanging out with my friends.
Haven't been on here for like 5 years, joined when this was all new.
So I'm back... and just looking for friendships,
No perverted, cyber-loving crap.. thank you. ♥
Hello, yes I'm alive. Sorry I haven't been around, Personal problems, Internet being out, and now being super sickish, Work & Study. Not on for long, but I'll get back to my comments/messages ASAP. THANKS. <3 Sally "Dead"♥♥♥
- 11 years, 7 months, 12 days ago
Holy moly... I was petting back people. And accidently been deleting messages. SO if you were one to send me one as of the last 5 mins. SOWWIE. Reply again? LOL ^_^ Sally "Dead"♥♥♥
- 11 years, 10 months, 25 days ago
Song of the week; No lyrics, just awesome music that makes me shake it. ♥
Sally "Dead"♥♥♥
- 11 years, 11 months, 17 days ago
I want Freddie Mercurys outfit. Why couldn't I have been at these awesome concerts? =( I was born in the wrong era.
Sally "Dead"♥♥♥
- 11 years, 11 months, 25 days ago
Drinking, Listening to Queen, Dancing. ♥ Freddie Mercury is hot stuff. ^_^ Sally "Dead"♥♥♥
- 11 years, 11 months, 26 days ago