I was just thinking about these things being so popular a few years ago and stumbled across one and it sounded more fun than going to the gym so
Questionnaire thing about me
I can't get to sleep without?
A blanket. I don't care how hot it is I always need to be covered.
If I were a doll, the accessories packaged with me would be:
Adorable high heels maybe those aren't accessories but it's all I can think of
I have an irrational fear of:
Ummm let's see: squid, large bodies of water, bugs particularly getting into holes of my body, aliens...
What type of food do you eat at your grandparents house?
Nothing. Only one grandparent left and she's in an old folk's home but back when we used to visit her at home as little as possible lol
What weight were you when you were born?
I asked mom a few weeks ago actually and she doesn't remember but I think she had previously told me it was 8 pounds something
I am most opposed to:
Criminals getting to live better than I do.
Do you stalk anyone on myspace?
Myspace? Hahahahahhahahahhahaa
I am too old to be:
Enrolled in kindergarten...so I'm not
I find the thought of childbirth:
Scary to the nth degree
Next door to my house is:
Another apartment building
My feet are:
My preferred style of jeans is:
Ones that fit
I know how to cook:
Scrambled eggs. I'm touch and go on toast though. Usually ends up burnt.
I am annoyed at:
Me for doing this quiz instead of going to the gym
Men should always:
Appreciate the woman they've got instead of tossing her aside for someone their own age...oh sorry I have a complex lol
Women should never:
Presume that a man will pay for everything. At least offer.
What child-related smell do you not like?
A shorter list would be what child-related thing do you like. It would be nothing.
What sea creature scares you?
We've been over this. Squid. Octopus. Those fish that are so deep in the sea that they're super scary looking.
What color hair do most of the people you are around have?
What object have you broken most recently?
Is a nail an object?
Name one of the Spice Girls?
Geri "Ginger Spice" Halliwell, Emma "Baby Spice" Bunton, Melanie "Scary Spice" Brown, Melanie "Sporty Spice" Chisholm, Victoria "Posh Spice" Adams/Beckham. Wow I scared myself.
What was the last thing to make you cry?
Well I was crying from laughing so hard watching Steven and Chris' products segment yesterday. But crying from being sad would be from thinking about my ex for a moment the other day.
I would like to be in an advertisement for:
PC yogurt smoothie bars. They would sell out so quick lol
What are the stems of wine glasses for?
For holding?
My favorite shoes are:
My lacey platform 4 inch heels. Super cute. Not practical but super cute.
My mothers' greatest fear is:
Me dying probably
Can you use chopsticks?
Never tried. I doubt it.
Do you prefer beaches or forests?
Randy Mandy "PopsiclePrincess" Content
- 12 years, 9 months, 1 day ago