I have a lovely wife(a fellow HP'er), two beautiful children,currently four cats,three dogs,one snake,a countless number of fish,i get charged by the sun and relaxed by the moon(greedy, i must have both) all else confidential for those i choose to confide in. oh but the details...riveting,suspenseful,unbelievably true feel free to ask, when my daypass is up and the sentry catches up with me i always come back here.word of advice-when going crazy it can be quite a long trip,bring lots of snacks.
love meeting new people from all over who can carry on a conversation with an adult, which is not the same as an adult conversation.if you capable of both then depending on how you wield your abilities may or may not make you more interesting. "Love" is used with too much ease,too readily in this crazy place and if used by me in reference to you might only be Deep Like,perhaps Sincere or B.S.(extremely rare).Any brave enough to hang about i would Love to meet.
BRUH IN LAW, I can't see to really navigate your profile...looks like the photobucket link is busted. Fun! Meh, anyway...I was here. You and N should get back on to unalive some time when you have some time to unalive. :D
LadY HeatheN
"⛓️⚔️⛓"Great Time To Be American
- 4 years, 16 days ago
It's all black and smoky...The last time I stumbled into your hp world, your page was covered in river rocks o.o meh. I knowww you don't play here anymore, but in case you ever return, I was here. Hi. Have something pink to brighten this page up. Why a Hello Kitty AK-47, you ponder? Because, it's the internet and it's not supposed to make sense.