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Alexander Graesser | - Free online hangout and friends
Melanie owns this human at 356177 points.


Alexander Graesser

Alexander Graesser, 55/Male
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:4:22 PM
Join date:17 years, 6 months, 10 days ago
Location: Johannesburg South Africa

"no longer here"
About me:
I have decided to leave HP for personal reasons. Thank you very much, all of you. It's been fun and in the end a huge learning experience for me. To all my friends, (Evie, Valerie, Linda, Melanie, Mai-Ana, Ana, Marnie, Darine, Helela, Dannica, Amber, Chris, Samir and last but not least Lara) have fun and keep it real. That's it! No more random comments! I intend to leave this page as is, as a memorial to my transformation, so to speak. Please read the stuff in the "about you section". Those of you who feel they know me and what i'm about can contact me on FB.
About you:
Yes, it is about you, so listen up, this is important! You are here for one of three reasons: 1) You are running or hiding from a relationship. STOP, turn around, switch the PC off, find your partner and do that four letter word that is synonymous with intercourse. No, not THAT one! This one: TALK. Talk until you have resolved your issues or decided to break it up. But at least have the guts to admit when it's not working anymore. 2) You are in a stable, loving relationship and enjoy giving and receiving of gifts to and from your partner. Remember that HP is but a simulation of real life. So once in a while (a week, maybe) switch off the electronic fakery, sit down, talk and connect. Don't let your relationship grow stale, ritualistic and above all don't let your partner become complacent! 3) You are seeking a relationship. HP is probably a better place than many. Don’t' be afraid to share something of yourself with an apparent stranger. Be guarded but do share. For sharing (yourself) builds trust, trust builds intimacy and intimacy build loving relationships. And in all this remember: * Money is not everything! The same goes for clothes, houses, cars and HP points for that matter. * A family that is supportive and loving is the most beautiful thing on this earth. A loving relationship is a close second. * A relationship is built on reciprocity, sharing, trust and intimacy. * Be honest with yourself and others, otherwise your life is as fake as a soap opera.
Looking for:
Orientation: Straight

1575 pts
Alexander's tales
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Alexander Graesser

Damn, that check-out queue is long today!
“Good morning, nice weather we’re having.”
blah beep blah beep blah beep keep faking that smile
I look up and she stands in front of me. Victoria! But there is something different about her today. She is not wearing her usual businesslike blouse and pencil skirt; No, today she is wearing a red coat, and I catch a glimpse of some lace patterned stockings. She seems taller somehow as well. I’m guessing she’s in platforms although I can not see them. Then she leans over to take an item from her cart and I can see the first buckle of the corset under the coat.
The thrill kicks through me I know Victoria’s secret!
Then she winks at me and smiles “When will you be getting off?”
“a a bout right now?” I stammer.
She laughs that sexy laugh and as she leaves she whispers. “6 o’clock. I’ll be waiting”.
fuck woman, not now, I still have customers, damn you

Alexander Graesser "Flambeaux" gone! - 15 years, 8 months, 11 days ago
Alexander Graesser

I had chosen this moment very carefully. Noiselessly I step into the room and close the door with a soft click.
My past self is lying on the bed, stockings ripped and legs crossed. Her back is turned to me and her chest heaving is as she quietly sobs into her pillow.
I sit down on the edge of the bed and start stroking her back. She flinches but I continue.
Slowly she turns an her eyes grow wide in as she recognises me. Before she can utter a word I put my finger on her lips.
“The rape was bad, I’m here to help” I whisper and then I kiss her. Tenderly at first and as she responds more insistently.
My robe falls open and reveals my erect nipples on my new breasts and my stiff dick. She swings her leg over, straddles me and then I enter her. The resulting sex with my younger self is orgasmic.
Later when she’s asleep, I quietly exit and check my chronometer. “Yes! Stable time loop accomplished.” I would still have the sex change, still build the time machine, but at least I won’t be unhappy with it all any more.
Alexander Graesser "Flambeaux" gone! - 15 years, 8 months, 15 days ago
Alexander Graesser
Zen pain

Broken bone heals. Broken heart, never!
Alexander Graesser "Flambeaux" gone! - 15 years, 9 months, 3 days ago
Alexander Graesser

Rammstein rocks.
She can’t hear me, her eardrums have burst!
Alexander Graesser "Flambeaux" gone! - 15 years, 9 months, 3 days ago
Alexander Graesser

jumping, flying, falling, terror, smash! tomatosauce!
Alexander Graesser "Flambeaux" gone! - 15 years, 9 months, 7 days ago
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by grace

Dearest one, My name is grace,

I am very happy to view your profile here today,

as I'm interested in knowing you.

reply me through my private email address at

( )

so that i can write you and send you my picture. Yours truly grace

write direct to my email ok

dont write at the site okgggggg
grace - 10 years, 10 months, 29 days ago
Book Babe
random comment # 1031
Happy Halloween

Realized it's been a long time since I saw a random post. Thought I'd pop in and wish you well.
Book Babe "BookBabe" Playful - 14 years, 4 months, 29 days ago
gimmee that night fever...night feverrrr...we know how to show it...
Disco dancing with Snape You have been given Disco dancing with Snape.
Crafted by Kaarina
Melanie "snugglebunny" - 14 years, 8 months ago
facebook is overrated! you should get back here!
waaaaaaah You have been given waaaaaaah.
Crafted by Unknown
Melanie "snugglebunny" - 14 years, 8 months, 1 day ago
Anya hurt - 14 years, 8 months, 16 days ago
i love this, by the way.
a twosome outside the box You have been given a twosome outside the box.
Crafted by Alexander Graesser
Lara "The Writer" - 14 years, 8 months, 21 days ago
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Alexander's shop
Randomized Randomness

The Randomized Randomness sells stuff. Random stuff. It gets random merchandise from closeouts, auctions, leftovers, surplus, odd lots, tag sales, Goolge searches, hard drive clean-outs, dumpsters, trash cans, gypsies, porno mags, church flyers and other (legal and illegal) means. Then it sells them to you at ridiculously random prices. Actually they are all 200 points.

At the Randomized Randomness, you'll be amused, bemused, confused, confounded, bedazzled, and perhaps amazed by the vast and seemingly unconnected variety of items for sale. But they are indeed all connected, by the high quality and the random Prices! Most stuff in the Randomized Randomness averages about 18.75% off the retail price -- that's only, um, some small change on the dollar! (Of course this is an average; some stuff is less, some more.) Smelling salts are kept on hand for those who are truly shocked by low prices, and softer items are kept near the door to catch fainting folks.

When we put up this store, our stock included such things as fire spirits, banana shoes, no ice cram, penicillin and a terror bird. But by the time you read this, who knows? We're thinking about setting up a webcam so you can see exactly what we have at any given time, but we currently only have square and triangular tuits; we haven't yet gotten a round tuit.

Enjoy your shopping!

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a donation
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a donation
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200 pts
LELO Yva - silver
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Alexander McQueen makes you tall
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200 pts
Alexander McQueen makes you tall
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highway meat
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highway meat
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golden shower
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golden shower
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animaldance in front of my eyes
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animaldance in front of my eyes
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200 pts
slippers for our random walk
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klein bottle - enquire inside
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klein bottle - enquire inside
Bought by 7 people
sex was so hot my ring is burnin
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200 pts
sex was so hot my ring is burnin
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hot pussy
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200 pts
hot pussy
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a ride on the fuzzy wonder
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a ride on the fuzzy wonder
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heelless shoes - Antonio Berardi
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heelless shoes - Antonio Berardi
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'n oulike padda
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200 pts
'n oulike padda
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200 pts
the smelling salts are acidic
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get along like a house on fire
1 use

200 pts
get along like a house on fire
Bought by 20 people
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