Only those who have gotten to know me on here, or are interested in getting to know me, can buy me, and only with permission of my owner. If you're not interested in someone open & honest and are just after sexual gifts 'cause it makes you feel good, then please do not bother pretending to want to know me. I don't need such people in my life as it's just a waste of my time.
About you:
Everybody's welcome, as long as you're not after immediate flirting/humping/other sexual acts. I would rather get to know you first. Once we have become friends, we can muck around & have fun etc, no worries! I am taken though!
The best way to live your life, is to see the best in even the worst of situations. Marco van Weeghel"My happy place"Annie-fied!
- 14 years, 1 month, 16 days ago
Dedicated to my beautiful Annie ♥
Marco van Weeghel"My happy place"Annie-fied!
- 14 years, 2 months, 14 days ago
SCATTERGORIES.'s harder than it looks!
Copy the lot, erase my answers, enter yours, and post it in your own Tales. Use the 1st letter of your name to answer each of the following. They have to be real places, names, things.. nothing made up!
Try to use different answers if the person in front of you had the same 1st initial. You CAN'T use your name for the boy/girl name question.
YOUR NAME: Marco BOYS NAME: Michael 4 LETTER WORD: Moon GIRL NAME: Margaret OCCUPATION: Manager A COLOUR: Maroon SOMETHING YOU WEAR: Monocle BEVERAGE: Mountain Dew FOOD: Meat SOMETHING FOUND IN A BATHROOM: Mat A PLACE : Manhattan REASON FOR BEING LATE: Malfunction SOMETHING YOU SHOUT OUT: Motherf**ker! CELEBRITY NAME: Michael Keaton MOVIE OR TV SHOW: Monsters ANIMAL: Meerkat Marco van Weeghel"My happy place"Annie-fied!
- 14 years, 3 months, 25 days ago
I know, I know. I've been shocking! Bugger all time spent here! Well, just a quick update (gotta head to work in a few mins). Between texting/messaging my woman, skype-ing, working, sleeping, and playing FFXIII & WoW (and chores around the house ofcourse), there's really not much time at all left in my day! Then again, there's only 4-5 people that post tales out of the ones I've met on here, and I have 3 of them on facebook!
I really hope you are all doing well! Hell, I hope as well as me, 'cause things are fantastic!
I so so so SO love my woman <3 Marco van Weeghel"My happy place"Annie-fied!
- 14 years, 11 months, 11 days ago
When are they going to invent an internet browser for those who are not so good with big fancy words? Just provide a hover-over for all non-common words, and allow it to be customisable, so that the words YOU use can be added to the ignore list?
I just read one side of a conversation on a friend's page, and my GOD them words so made me go "WTF does that mean???" Marco van Weeghel"My happy place"Annie-fied!
- 14 years, 12 months, 1 day ago