"It's guts and love and glory; one mortals chance at fame. His legacy is rodeo, and cowboy is his name"
About me:
Rodeo cowboy, currently driving a tow truck while I'm working on my police application...how's that for all over the place, lol. I'm just out to have a good time and make sure everyone else around me is too. Even if sometimes it is at my expense... oh well, life's too short to sweat it. Make the most of every opportunity your presented with and most importantly, HAVE FUN! Don't look back on your life saying, "I wish I had...", look back on it saying, "I'm glad I did..."
If there was ever a song that describes me, this is (beyond the shadow of a doubt) it...
Chris Neumann"My Cowboy ~♥~"Daring
- 15 years, 6 months, 11 days ago
A few more pictures, after I spent 45min today brushing him and pulling knots and burrs out of his mane, tail and forelock...he was deffinetly not impressed with me, lol...but LOOK!!! He's presentable now! :P
Chris Neumann"My Cowboy ~♥~"Daring
- 15 years, 6 months, 12 days ago
The newest addition to the family :-D Officially on paper he's "Mr. Smooth Sgt. Pepper", but around the barn it's just "pepper" He's a 3yr old registered overo paint :)
Chris Neumann"My Cowboy ~♥~"Daring
- 15 years, 6 months, 14 days ago
A kind of summarized version of a TV special they aired a while back. It features the bull called "Bodacious" who was probably one of the best(and most dangerous) bucking bulls that ever lived. It also features Tuff Hedeman who is probably best known in connection with this bull for having his face smashed in a few months before Finals in Vegas, but a lot of people forget, Tuff had drawn him before for, (in my opinion), one of the best bullrides EVER...very interesting clip and a rare look into what goes on behind the scenes mentally with us on the road.
Chris Neumann"My Cowboy ~♥~"Daring
- 15 years, 7 months, 18 days ago
After 10 months of work and way more money than I'd like to remember, my truck's finally done!! :D
Chris Neumann"My Cowboy ~♥~"Daring
- 15 years, 8 months, 10 days ago
Oh my GOODNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!! You say not to have a heart attack....but what else was I supposed to do?! lol I thought i'd never see you here again, so imagine my surprise when you just "drop by"! lol It was lovely getting a visit from you...and thanks for the tune - was really nice - lyrics were nice too. :) So "Country boy"...How's it been going for you?? :) x I'm still waiting on that CD you promised me! ;) x