Cheeky, a bit flirty and likes chatting to new people! I take care of my virtual pets and like to spoil them. I will always engage in a 'pet war' if anybody buys them - it's all part of the fun of this app.! But if a pet is happy to stay with the new owner, then there they will stay :o) I also won't get involved if the pet has engineered the bidding war themselves as an 'ego boost'.
I too am for sale - i adore my current Owner but if he wants to keep me badly enough he'll buy me back, and if you're someone i don't like i'll simply escape ;oP
About you:
I'm just after 'meeting' new people, having a laugh and not taking this whole pets thing seriously. People after a relationship or filth need not apply!
So i'm back from my week away at my best friends house in the Midlands, i had a fantastic time which culminated in her wedding on Saturday (21/02), and i had the honour of being her chief bridesmaid. It was an excellent day and i shed quite a few tears of joy for the bride and groom. May they have every happiness in the world! Claire Part-time HP-er again
- 16 years, 1 month, 6 days ago
It really sucks having a sprained ankle and not being able to go outside and enjoy the most snow we've had here in at least 10 years! :o( Claire Part-time HP-er again
- 16 years, 1 month, 24 days ago
I thought i'd share with you one of my favourite songs at the moment - i can't get enough of it :o)
Claire Part-time HP-er again
- 16 years, 2 months, 10 days ago
That above statement doth make me shake my head in bewilderment - i'm actually tempted to buy a pet from each person i see with that written on their pages, just for shits n giggles! It's a game, people..... Claire Part-time HP-er again
- 16 years, 2 months, 20 days ago
Scrap the previous tale - i'm liking my job again! :o) I think i was just 'down' a bit in general and so was fed up with everything. I think it's best that i hang on to this job what with the whole economical decline at the moment.
Claire Part-time HP-er again
- 16 years, 3 months, 1 day ago