A crazy lil thing with a passion 4 tatts. If they weren´t so expensive
i´d be covered. =) I love animals an specially dogs. Got 2 adorable
lil kids who r jus as crazy as their mum. =)
I love the woods an taking long walks with my dog.
Im kind of a big flirt so dont take me 2 serious if
i do jus that. =)
If u send me anything sexual or erotic i might delete em. Thats
not what Im after...
Oh, an don´t 4get 2 take a look in my shop =)
Jus wanna ask.. Is there anybody else but me who thinks that relationships sucks? That relationships r nothing else but trouble an almost like a prison? Dont get me wrong im not talkin bout goin out seeing others coz cheating is 1 of the absolute worst things there is. But 4 some1 open an social and who have close friends of both sexes relationships dont seem 2 work. I mean whats the fun in hangin out with ur friends when ur boyfriend/girlfriend starts accusing u 4 beein a cheating idiot? In the end all relationships crash so why not jus keep ur friends instead of ending up all alone the day the relationship ends? Ok ok ok I know theres an aspect in all this called feelings but there is poss 2 control them an kinda push them aside. An the best part of it.. No relationdisable= the risk of gettin hurt is minimal. Maybe Im all wrong but I believe that humans in the end r solitary creatures. We enjoy "hangin with the pack" during the day but in the end we wanna make our own decisions an have control of our own lifes. Some of us r sooooooo much stronger alone...
Nilla "Ice Queen"Sleepy
- 13 years, 4 months, 12 days ago
Jus lost some1 very dear 2 me so im gonna take a lil brake from all this. Rest in peace my darling and we´ll see each other again when my time has come. I´ll alwas love u... Nilla "Ice Queen"Sleepy
- 14 years, 7 months, 23 days ago
My lil baby boy is leaving me july 17th... Finally found him a good home with a loving caring family that i truly believe can make him happy. Im gonna miss him badly but there r loads of other dogs that needs a foster home so I wont be alone for long. I´ll probably get another staffie since they r very close 2 my heart an the most loving trustable dogs i know. And i want people 2 understand that the breed isn´t dangerous! Its all in the way u raise an handle them. Even my kids handle them without any problems. I´ve loved all my dogs an allways will. But now its time 2 give another piece of my heart away 2 a new soul in need... Nilla "Ice Queen"Sleepy
- 14 years, 8 months, 3 days ago
Brings back memories....
Nilla "Ice Queen"Sleepy
- 14 years, 9 months, 2 days ago
Absolutely love this 1....
Nilla "Ice Queen"Sleepy
- 14 years, 9 months, 18 days ago