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Jenna Alexis | - Free online hangout and friends
Jenna Alexis
Jenna Alexis owns this human at 210000 points.

Jenna Alexis
Jenna Alexis

Jenna Alexis , 36/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:4:53 PM
Join date:12 years, 7 months, 11 days ago
Location: Dayton, OH United States

"Had an HP account then my loser EX hacked it and now I can't get in it any more. Just pissed I lost all my points!!!"
About me:
Please read the entire Bio, it with help us both know if we would make good friends. While you're here please make sure to thumb my tales and my comments. I frequently check out who thumbs me, and if I see that you have thumbed me I will be sure to thumb you back.

**Everyone is ALWAYS FOR SALE, its a game people. I am free to buy whoever I want, you are free to buy them back. Thats how that game works..**

Any rude, vulgar, derogatory or tasteless comments/messages will not be tolerated. I am not here to talk dirty to anyone, date, or show you my tits. I don't need a soulmate, already have one. If you have pet me and I have not petted you back, I'm probably not interested no need to waste your time. Do Not ask me to cam chat with you. The answer will ALWAYS be no. I don't care how hot you think you are , I am not interested at all. Bothering me about cam chat will only get you blocked.

About you:
Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Straight
Herds (lead): BodyRock
Herds: ~Ink & Steel~, Postcard collector's club!, ® Ŧ ῌ € ≈ Ƶ ʘ ʘ ™, Layout Codes for Dummies, Caffeine with a pinch of ART

Jenna Alexis
Jenna Alexis
210000 pts
"QJ Boy"
50 pts
Jenna's tales
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Jenna Alexis
4AM Got up to turn of the kitchen light... ran into a wall and now i have a giant goose egg over my eye and i have a wedding to attend Saturday. FML
Jenna Alexis "tat" - 12 years, 6 months, 6 days ago
Jenna Alexis
1. What time did you get up this morning? 6AM
2. How do you like your steak? Medium Rare
3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Snow White and the Huntsman
4. What is your favorite TV show? True Blood & Game of Thrones
5. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be? I think I could be happy anywhere as long as I am with the man I love.
6. What did you have for breakfast? Coffee
7. What is your favorite cuisine? Mexican
8. What food do you dislike? Mushrooms
9. Favorite place to eat? Don't have a fave
10. Favorite dressing? Vinegar and oil
11. What kind of vehicle do you drive? Grand Prix SE
12. What are your favorite clothes? jeans, black tank, flip flops
13. Where would you visit if you had the chance? Japan
14. Cup 1/2 empty or 1/2 full? half full
15. Where would you want to retire? Somewhere tropical
16. Favorite time of the day? Night
17. Where were you born? Gwood baby
18.What is your favorite sport to watch? UFC
Jenna Alexis "tat" - 12 years, 6 months, 15 days ago
Jenna Alexis
so if you go into a hotel and want a room. Be nice to the front desk. You just might get a lower rate. Be a jerk... get a higher rate. Simple.
I love it when people ask me what exactly I do at my job. I often get looks of superiority and disrespect from people, ‘guests’ albeit, and I sincerely try to have a good attitude towards them. Let me tell you though, working at a hotel, makes it DIFFICULT to be a happy go lucky woman, not that that isn’t hard enough, some freaking people try to push my buttons, I have a line. I shouldn’t but I’m human, and I do.
Now I know I am not perfect by any means, but some of these people who check in and stay at my hotel... Woaha man.
"Can I help you sir?”
Man walks up….
“Yeah how much awe yo ooms?”
(Me… attempting to decipher the alcohol and the accent) “** dollars a night sir.”
“That’s the bast you can dooo.???”
“Yes sir, I can’t go lower than that unless you have a military ID”
“Well fine, buke me aw oom, closest to tha gurls. Closest to the lobay”
“Ok sir.” (note there are no girls. I proceeded to check him in… shockingly his credit card hadn’t declined (not trying to be judgmental but people who look and act like this guy have a really strong probability of having their cards declined. I had just finished getting harassed by a rude guest who had had his card declined and was livid about it. ITS NOT MY FAULT YOU DON”T PAY YOUR BILLS!)
So I check this guy in. put him in the closest room to the lobby I could. Apparently, it wasn’t close enough. After repeating his information back to him no less than 3 times, he finally leaves. My irritation level is high.
Within moments he is back.
“Is dat tha besz you gut? Babay I want to be closa to the gurls.”
Ok…. 1- Call me ‘Baby’ one more time. See what happens. 2- THERE ARE NO GIRLS!
“Sir I’m sorry but that’s the best I can do, its 9 oclock, we don’t have any rooms closer.”
“Well naw that ain’t right, in LA I would get what I wantad you know what tame it is in LA?”
“Sir, your in North Carolina. I’m sorry, but that’s the best I can do.”
“Do you knaw that I could gat whateva I wanted in LA right now? Do you knaw what tame it is there?”
“It’s 6pm in Los Angeles sir. We are not in Los Angeles. We’re in South Carolina, it is nine pm, our rooms are booked. I’m sorry sir that’s the best I can do.”
“Well naw that ain’t good nough. I want a refun.”
“Did you move anything in the room sir?”
“Is the room dirty?”
“naw I Didn’t even go to tha room.”…. (Are you flipping kidding me?)
“Ok sir, your card has not been charged. Have a goodnight.”
Man storms out.

For some reason folks seem to believe I'm awesome. Yes, I know I'm awesome, but I do have my limits. It saddens me too. I wish I could be told a random address and be able to navigate you there perfectly and with out any confusion on your part (or mine). If I could top it of with a Star Wars type 3D hologram that took you turn by turn, I totally would!

When you live in a city that address are 345 3rd St Ln NE or 345 3rd St Pl NE or 345 3rd St Dr NE or 3rd St Ln NW or 345 3rd St Pl NW... and so on for all NE, NW, SE, SW, finding your way around can be a tad bit challenging.

I don't know what Restaurant that sits at 345 3rd whatever, and when you come to me and ask me this don't be surprised if I can't tell you the name of it. By the way, who told you the address of said restaurant, but couldn't tell you the name of it?

It is hard to label only one guy "Creepy," but sometimes it just fits. Sometimes you feel guilty for labeling the guy creepy because you feel bad for him. At the same time, you want to turn invisible anytime he shows up.

For the past couple of weeks we've had 108 staying with us. The first night I had the pleasure of meeting him he was buying a soda from me. He pulled out a wad of cash. I try to build a rapport with my guest. I do this by joking with them and making small talk, so when he pulled out the wad, I told him he had a problem of his wallet overflowing. He laughed and I went on to get his change for the soda and asking how his room was. He then points to a $100.00 and says "I'll give you this if you come by my room after you get off work." I've still not found a good way to react to these comments. Do I throw up all over them, do I slap them with my glove, punch them in the nose or dismiss myself? I normally just dismiss myself. After he witnessed my repulsed reaction he said he was joking. Too late. There is not going back from offering to pay someone to go by your room. There are not many ways for this offer to be taken either.

Next time he came around, I tried not to engage.
A bit later that night he came back. He kept asking if I wanted dinner. I politely turned him down each time. I finally told him I had issue with some foods and couldn't eat just anything. He the offered me a salad. Who can't eat a salad?

I hand him a menu for a local pizza place. I was showing him a few things that were good. He then turns the menu to me and says that he couldn't see well and asked if I would read it to him. This is not normal. This is when I start thinking he might not be able to read and write well. I help him pick a pizza and place the order for him. I have to turn him down a few more times for food. He acts like I truly hurt his feelings.

The next night he comes up and is talking to me. I try to stay in the office as much as I can. He sits on the couch in the lobby and watches the T.V. and asked me to come sit with him. I turn him down telling him I have to work. As he was going to his room he tells me to call him and tell him "night night" after I get off work.

Thankfully we are busy the next night.

Ask me again, in your special tone, what exactly do I do? Let me tell you. I work front desk. That means that several nights a week, I get to stand at attention at the front desk to greet arrogant, self-centered, belittling people, as they check in, attempt to badger me for better rates, cuss me out when they don’t have enough money, or their cards are declined, or the room is exterior entrance, or the towels aren’t folded right, or they found a speck of something somewhere supposedly. I also have to deal with asinine drunks, random people who like to wander around at night doing nothing, and lonely wasted men who attempt to sweet talk me into drinking with them or going back to their rooms.

Jenna Alexis "tat" - 12 years, 6 months, 15 days ago
Jenna Alexis
Which creature of the night are you?
Your Result: Vampire

You are a social pragmatist, as likely to kiss as to bite. Your sensuality and social pragmatism is the counter-balance to your existential angst and your tendency toward depression.

Cthulu Spawn
Which creature of the night are you?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

Jenna Alexis "tat" - 12 years, 6 months, 23 days ago
Jenna Alexis

Looks like I'll be doing this workout today
Jenna Alexis "tat" - 12 years, 7 months, 5 days ago
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I’m in Ohio too.
**love from me**.. You have been given **love from me**...
Crafted by joanne mays
LadY HeatheN "⛓️⚔️⛓" Great Time To Be American - 3 years, 9 months, 1 day ago
Christopher Johnson

Taught 'The Silly Walk' You have been given Taught 'The Silly Walk'.
Crafted by Amazinger
Christopher Johnson "Evil 4" Dangerous - 12 years, 1 month, 17 days ago
Greatful Four

got rum? You have been given got rum?.
Crafted by Mia
Greatful Four " R.I.P." Sad - 12 years, 1 month, 20 days ago
Greatful Four

Sending you positive energy You have been given Sending you positive energy.
Crafted by Unknown
Greatful Four " R.I.P." Sad - 12 years, 1 month, 20 days ago
Saya Neko Kain
Hello there!
Well, I had literally YEARS without loging into Human Pets.

Just checked the herd for postcard collectors.
Are you still interested into exchanging postcards?

If so, leave me your address into a message or say so, please!

Greetings from Mexico!

You are so cute! You have been given You are so cute!.
Crafted by Unknown
Saya Neko Kain "KittySaya" Lazy - 12 years, 4 months, 29 days ago
*lies on the sofa and waits*
do it! do it now! You have been given do it! do it now!.
Crafted by Jude
Ray Curious - 12 years, 5 months, 13 days ago
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Jenna's shop
The Lazy Dane

Bunch of random crap for you and your pet!

Um this guy
1 use

200 pts
Um this guy
Bought by 7 people
MY PET!!!!!
1 use

550 pts
MY PET!!!!!
Bought by 2 people
Shot of the good stuff
1 use

600 pts
Shot of the good stuff
Bought by 9 people
Very kind Donation
1 use

9999 pts
Very kind Donation
Bought by 12 people
Hot Cup of Coffee
1 use

200 pts
Hot Cup of Coffee
Bought by 27 people
Awkward Smile
1 use

400 pts
Awkward Smile
Bought by 12 people

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