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Miss Venom | - Free online hangout and friends
SuperDan owns this human at 42000 points.

Miss Venom
Miss Venom
"hide the knives"

Miss Venom, 43/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:1:33 AM
Join date:16 years, 18 days ago
Location: Belgium

"[Miss Venom & her knife]"
About me:
I actually rewrote this since, in the previous intro, I think I sounded like I got my head stuck up my toosh too hard.

I do not function before my two[slash]three cups of coffee in the morning.
I drive like James Bond.
I like cigars and don't do pink cocktails.
I am nearly a man, but then again I am not.

I - I - I.
°am a videogame & gadgets addict. Hence some calling me a geek.
°have a everlasting hunger for knowledge. Even though I'm utterly dumb & blonde.
°don't like men with golden necklaces.
°don't like women with unshaven armpits (even though I think feminists are kewl bitchaz).
°have an obsession with contemporary dance and photography.
°want to live to be at least 500 years old and still (mOOhah) look smashing.
°love art and mostly when combined with science
°have a chaotic mind to have coffee [black, no sugar] at and maybe I'll even invite you.
°love monologues (me being the performer or receiver either way).
°have too many hobbies.
°NIN NIN NIN roar rawr reooooooow.
°like to play with knives.
°need a [stiff drink].

Penguins are nice.

Oh. And my new tattoo is [!!] finished..!!

About you:
Brains, humour, not having your head stuck up your arse and a fetish for purple poodles..........or something....oh and I have always wanted to meet a Nobel prize winner...........wear a pink bunny costume, write a poem about me, and you'll end up with me worshipping you for eternity........(or at least 3 minutes xD)

My "pets" are adored and carefully selected. They are a great combination of brains, utterly sexiness and witty sarcasm. ;)
Looking for: Friendship and dating
Orientation: Unspecified
Herds (lead): [knife play]
Herds: Nerds are Sexy, DaSandyMansFriends, We Have Tattoos, Suicide Girls, SCI FI / FANTASY Pets, KICK-ASS TATTOO

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" ◊adOre◊"
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Miss's tales
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Miss Venom
//my newest tat: tensegrity tower by Bucky Fuller.

Uploaded with
Miss Venom "hide the knives" Bold - 13 years, 6 months, 13 days ago
Miss Venom

Miss Venom "hide the knives" Bold - 13 years, 7 months, 15 days ago
Miss Venom

Miss Venom "hide the knives" Bold - 13 years, 7 months, 15 days ago
Miss Venom

Miss Venom "hide the knives" Bold - 13 years, 7 months, 15 days ago
Miss Venom

Miss Venom "hide the knives" Bold - 14 years, 7 days ago
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LadY HeatheN

😃 You have been given 😃.
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LadY HeatheN "⛓️⚔️⛓" We Will Own You - 3 years, 11 months, 24 days ago

Hi there:-) You have been given Hi there:-).
Crafted by Asano
matt "Leandros" Playful - 10 years, 6 months, 11 days ago

Always so happy to see you You have been given Always so happy to see you .
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SuperDan "~☆~Dan~☆~" Too sexy for HP - 11 years, 11 months, 14 days ago

happy new year :) You have been given happy new year :).
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0100011001010101 "1001011010101000" - 12 years, 2 months, 2 days ago
happy birthday :) <3
0100011001010101 "1001011010101000" - 12 years, 4 months, 25 days ago

Happy Birthday You have been given Happy Birthday.
Crafted by Hydo Y's
0100011001010101 "1001011010101000" - 12 years, 4 months, 25 days ago
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Miss's shop
[Toxic wasteland]

Things of beauty, things of corrupcy, things of darknessssssssssssss..

All here, to feed your addiction..

°winks teasingly°

sexy knife Pictures, Images and Photos

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