I actually rewrote this since, in the previous intro, I think I sounded like I got my head stuck up my toosh too hard.
I do not function before my two[slash]three cups of coffee in the morning.
I drive like James Bond.
I like cigars and don't do pink cocktails.
I am nearly a man, but then again I am not.
I - I - I.
°am a videogame & gadgets addict. Hence some calling me a geek.
°have a everlasting hunger for knowledge. Even though I'm utterly dumb & blonde.
°don't like men with golden necklaces.
°don't like women with unshaven armpits (even though I think feminists are kewl bitchaz).
°have an obsession with contemporary dance and photography.
°want to live to be at least 500 years old and still (mOOhah) look smashing.
°love art and mostly when combined with science
°have a chaotic mind to have coffee [black, no sugar] at and maybe I'll even invite you.
°love monologues (me being the performer or receiver either way).
°have too many hobbies.
°NIN NIN NIN roar rawr reooooooow.
°like to play with knives.
°need a [stiff drink].
Penguins are nice.
Oh. And my new tattoo is [!!] finished..!!