There is a question that people usually ask and I really don't know the answer to it. I think I should know the answer by now... but I don't. I thought I knew the answer, but as soon as I tried to fulfill it I failed... Hard..
People ask me "What are you going to do for your career."
Ah... That is such a good question. I wish I had a clear answer. I have an answer, but its not clear yet, and I fear it will become unclear as soon as I decide what I want it to be.
So, I thought I wanted to become an English teacher. Why? Well, I loved writing. I really did... Til I reached college. They make writing a horror. Seriously why would anyone want to write an 8 page essay over an environmental issue? You know what? No.. Seriously that's not me. I could write an 8 page story maybe of something I really liked, but over a Environmental issues... No Thank You.
Then I took cultural Anthropology. If you have never taken this class I recommend it. Maybe it was just the teacher that really made the topic that more interesting, but it is amazing! They talk about so many cultures, I've learned so much in that class. You look at other cultures and might think "Wow, they are weird putting big nose rings in their nose." First of all, that's is not nice to judge other cultures. If you take a step back and look at your culture you see how weird it would look to others. That same culture might look at us and say "Wow, Why do they put holes in ears to hang stuff off of it?"
Sorry.. You should of heard my teacher's explain it. She could explain it 100 times better than I can. This class makes you see from other cultures point of view and shows you we are no better than them. All cultures are unique in their own way and some are even dying out. It's sad really, but yeah it's an amazing class.
Then there is another class I really loved: Psychology. Now that is a very interesting class. You learn a lot about how the brain really works. There are some things in that class that just absolutely amazed me. Hm... An Example would be... If you just flashed a lot of flash cards in font of you saying stuff like: " Old, Slow, Tired, Lazy.. Ext" Then you walked down the hallway you would tend to walk slower than you usually do. They did tests on this, and it's true! Maybe you think that is just ridiculous to believe, but I believe it. =) How about this. Did you know your dreams are just random images your brain creates and tries to make sense of them? Dreams never make sense, they are just random images your brain makes when it's storing things that happened that day into your memory. Have you tried to tell your dream to someone and noticed it made no sense? XD Exactly because it doesn't.
Anyways, I really like Physiology I think i would have a better change in getting a job career in that field of study than Anthropology, but you see I'm not studying for either at the moment. Right now I'm studying general sciences and arts. Maybe I'll find something I like even more. So yeah, not really sure what I want to be, but I have a pretty good idea what I might want to be. =)
Julianna "זאבה" Growling
- 15 years, 4 months, 6 days ago