
Michael's tales
I feel unhappy I feel so sad I'v lost the best friend That I ever had She was my woman I loved her so But it's too late now I've let her go We shared the year We shared days In love together We found a way But soon the world Had its evil way My heart was blinded Love went astray Ozzy
Michael "Aramis" Seductive
- 12 years, 2 months, 20 days ago
a few years older and less hair but still looking good :-)
Michael "Aramis" Seductive
- 12 years, 4 months, 25 days ago
Maybe it's not too late to learn how to love and forget how to hate
Michael "Aramis" Seductive
- 15 years, 6 months, 10 days ago
Hear my silent weeping as I pray tonight... Night grows colder, but I see a new light. Beautiful light, to thee I pray; Let the truest of love come my way!
Michael "Aramis" Seductive
- 16 years, 1 month, 26 days ago
my 1st tale! well it snowed and is snowing and will snow more.. oh god i havent spent a whole weekend at home in soo long... but the sanity seems to be holding up.. ooo a blue imp! I much go catch.
Michael "Aramis" Seductive
- 16 years, 12 months, 4 days ago
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