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xxx | - Free online hangout and friends
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xxx , 34/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:10:23 AM
Join date:12 years, 11 months, 15 days ago
Location: Dublin, Ga United States

"Maned wolf seeking a place"
About me:

I'm not a very tall girl stuck at 5'3 but I actually like being short.. My fave colors are black, red, light blue, pink (I used to hate it), and toxic green. I adore animals and if you harm one I'd go ninja on your ass, just ask people who know me. I love to read. Someday I hope to live in a two story house where I can have a whole room filled with book shelves full of books. The main stories I read are fantasty, were-wolf, vampires, books with animal characters, and manga. A book I really adore is Pier Anthony's: Cube Route. It's a book I highly recomend if you love fantasty and puns. I adore puns. <3 I've a good mix of tom boy and girly girl in me.

The way I behave depends on how I am feeling and who I am talking to. A lot of times I can be very shy and scared of others. There are times I am out going, but lately that is becoming less so as sad as that may be. I've found it easy to be out going through the net though. I'm very playful if given the chance to be, so be warned you have a chance of getting pounced. ;3

Also, the maned wolf is not closely related to any other living canid. It is not a fox, wolf, coyote, dog, or jackal, but a distinct canid, although previously it had been placed in Canis and Vulpes genera based on morphological similarities. The more you know~ ;3

fun quiz for myspace profile and blog

Lets101 Quizzes - Online Quizzes

Your Seduction Style: The Natural
You don't really try to seduce people... it just seems to happen.
Fun loving and free spirited, you bring out the inner child in people.
You are spontaneous, sincere, and unpretentious - a hard combo to find!
People drop their guard around you, and find themselves falling fast.

About you:
Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Unspecified
Herds: the wolf pack, ~**Naughty Delicacies**~

50 pts
xxx's tales
Sin will take you further than you want to go.
It will keep you longer than you want to stay,
and it will cost you more than you want to pay.

xxx Timid - 12 years, 11 months, 9 days ago
They say if you're bisexual, you're confused. If you're gay, it's a sin. If you're skinny you're on drugs. If you're fat, you look nasty. If you're dressed up, you're conceited. If you dress for comfort you're a slob. If you speak you're mind, you're a Bitch. If you don't say anything, you're rude. If you are sweet to strangers, you are fake. If you cry, you're a drama queen. If you have male friends, you're a whore. If you have female friends, you're a player. You can't do anything without being labelled.. We live in a society where people can't survive if they're not judging the next person... If you're proud of who you are & don't give two shits what anyone's thinks, copy and paste. x

xxx Timid - 12 years, 11 months, 10 days ago

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grace andrew
by grace
Hello, how are you doing? i hope fine and all is good to you,am miss grace,Nice to meet u dear i want to be your friend , kindly indicate your interest in me by sending mail me here my private email ( ) so my photos will send you ok. Thanks and a nice day'''''(grace) ( )
grace andrew "BESTPET EVARR!!" - 10 years, 10 months, 24 days ago

Donation: I'm yours ~ &lt;3 You have been given Donation: I'm yours ~ <3.
Crafted by xxx
Robert "Talaiporía" Naughty - 12 years, 6 months, 11 days ago

lick me. You have been given lick me..
Crafted by Kelsey Chaos
Dean "xoxo" - 12 years, 9 months, 9 days ago

You have been treated to boba tea.
Subbass "Hottie" - 12 years, 9 months, 10 days ago
hi Melanie hope you are doing well
Hello cutie You have been given Hello cutie.
Crafted by ToRmAtO
Sickboy "ME" Naughty - 12 years, 9 months, 23 days ago
Richard E Norton

Wolf Love You have been given Wolf Love.
Crafted by Satu Serafina
Richard E Norton "Precious Sailor " Content - 12 years, 10 months, 1 day ago
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xxx's shop
Yume Kira Dream Shoppe

It flies through the sky... The mystical store, Yume Kira Dream Shoppe.. They say any dream can be made true... In exchange for something dear to you. -- Yume Kira Dream Shoppe by Aqua Mizuto

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All Fired Up!
1 use

150 pts
All Fired Up!
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1 use

150 pts
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Flowers for you~
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150 pts
Flowers for you~
Bought by 9 people
~You Spin Me Right Round~
1 use

150 pts
~You Spin Me Right Round~
Bought by 5 people
1 use

150 pts
Bought by 9 people
1 use

150 pts
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Rose for you~
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Rose for you~
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Face + Wall =
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Face + Wall =
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11:11 make a Wish~ <3
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11:11 make a Wish~ &lt;3
Bought by 5 people
Made you a cup ... <3
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Made you a cup ... &lt;3
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I will fight for you!~
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I will fight for you!~
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Nyan Nyan~
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Nyan Nyan~
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You're mine <3
1 use

180 pts
You're mine &lt;3
Bought by 1 people
Running to find you
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Running to find you
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Sneaking up behind you~
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Sneaking up behind you~
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