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mariel wong | - Free online hangout and friends
Jerry Chan
Jerry Chan owns this human at 1888888 points.


mariel wong
"Jelly's Bestest"

mariel wong, 41/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:8:04 PM
Join date:17 years, 5 months, 2 days ago
Location: singapore Singapore

"i'll be a good pet ^-^ feed w dark chocos...pls!"
About me:
passionate about dark chocolate, music and words that speak of depth... you don't have to be different, to be unique....and really things can only change if you make the first step.
About you:
anyone who loves to play music, games and has a funny sense of humor.
Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Straight
Herds (lead): mwariel's herd!
Herds: Livin in the Land Down Under, SG Herd, SINGAPORE herd♥, Jer's Random Tots and Thumbs, hOt dOtz, Lynn loves Thumbs, Jelly 10000 Post Herd, ♥ni's.flyinghigh.thumb♥, <--☆Memories☆-->, TS's private herd, Thumbs 4 Aiden!, Nite Club, ♥Yoko's 200 pages♥, •ni's 100•, My Thumbs 2, dOtz hOt, hOt dOtz SWARM 5/10 >>>>>, Lei's Contest Chaos, marzylicious thumbs
"Marwel's Sweetz"
915338 pts

"Mr Dougie!"
6703 pts

"M's Muimui"
5250 pts

"M's Peipei!"
3831 pts

"M's Candy"
2757 pts

"M's Nicolleeee"
583 pts

"Mr Scrabble-less"
160 pts

60 pts

60 pts

"mr aaron"
50 pts

"M's bunny!"
50 pts
mariel's tales
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mariel wong
got myself a christmas tree. as i'll be away for christmas (am in melb til 25th of dec), Happy Christmas in advance!!! ^-^ miss you guys!
mariel wong "Jelly's Bestest" Emo - 16 years, 2 months, 24 days ago
mariel wong
Off to Melbourne tmw~ Will keep an update via my blog@! Will miss lynnie, my owner jelly! Sally! WD and YJ! and...OMG. a whole bunch of you guys. =D i'll take lots of pics of food and send back ok? ^-^
mariel wong
mariel wong "Jelly's Bestest" Emo - 16 years, 3 months, 3 days ago
mariel wong
LG's newest Renoir 8MegaPixel phone...Mmmm Yummy. Deciding between this and the HTC HD. Hmmm...Or perhaps the Innov8?
mariel wong mariel wong mariel wong
mariel wong "Jelly's Bestest" Emo - 16 years, 3 months, 27 days ago
mariel wong
Yea! Managed to get into the finals for the Nokia Lee Guitars Competition!~ Quite a fun time! But competition is so tough. Hope all goes well! ----->
Kambate! >.< The songs submitted were: Wo ai ni bu ai wo & Bu gou jian qiang! all in my profile songs~

mariel wong "Jelly's Bestest" Emo - 16 years, 3 months, 27 days ago
mariel wong
Went to Tokyo-Kobe-Osaka for a biz trip...and although it was a whirlwind journey, I still wana go back...very soon!
mariel wong mariel wong mariel wong mariel wong mariel wong mariel wong mariel wong mariel wong
mariel wong "Jelly's Bestest" Emo - 16 years, 4 months, 28 days ago
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Jerry Chan
party time!
*Rock n Roll* Let's Party! You have been given *Rock n Roll* Let's Party!.
Crafted by mingz
Jerry Chan "吐舌的Jerry" Cynical - 14 years, 6 months, 6 days ago
Jerry Chan
Wooohoooo ur my new owner!
will u keep me safe? You have been given will u keep me safe?.
Crafted by yiling
Jerry Chan "吐舌的Jerry" Cynical - 14 years, 6 months, 6 days ago
Mario Ong

showing some love You have been given showing some love .
Crafted by Beathe Ibrahim
Mario Ong "★grandpario★" ღLovingღ - 14 years, 8 months, 2 days ago

You have been given 紫玫瑰主题曲爱一直存在梁文音 04:36.
-rachie- "My cute bunny=)" Content - 14 years, 8 months, 6 days ago
Dotz Soh

pRettieSt flOwers fOr U~* You have been given pRettieSt flOwers fOr U~*.
Crafted by Dotz Soh
Dotz Soh "Jelly's Dotz!" ditzy dOtzie - 14 years, 8 months, 6 days ago
Dotz Soh
good to see u here mariel!!!

fOr the lOvely U~* You have been given fOr the lOvely U~*.
Crafted by Dotz Soh
Dotz Soh "Jelly's Dotz!" ditzy dOtzie - 14 years, 8 months, 6 days ago
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mariel's shop
Mwariel's Little Piece of Heaven~

For all its worth, things that are given value only because it means something...erhem*

Come in and shop! Thank you and come again!~ Arigarto...

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Donations for Mwariel~
1 use

500 pts
Donations for Mwariel~
Bought by 35 people
Noooo! *rawr!*
1 use

150 pts
Noooo! *rawr!*
Bought by 30 people
special delivery...
1 use

150 pts
special delivery...
Bought by 35 people
pretty pls~~
1 use

120 pts
pretty pls~~
Bought by 15 people
smiling cupcakes
1 use

140 pts
smiling cupcakes
Bought by 39 people
here's a friendly Moo~
1 use

140 pts
here's a friendly Moo~
Bought by 22 people
i h4te Hoomans...
1 use

150 pts
i h4te Hoomans...
Bought by 10 people
Iz a Lolli? No?
1 use

150 pts
Iz a Lolli? No?
Bought by 18 people
never-ending pats <3
1 use

180 pts
never-ending pats &lt;3
Bought by 17 people
all mine!!! *burp*
1 use

150 pts
all mine!!! *burp*
Bought by 21 people
i'm so attached to u~
1 use

150 pts
i'm so attached to u~
Bought by 33 people
wat THE??
1 use

150 pts
wat THE??
Bought by 24 people
You're Evolving...
1 use

180 pts
You're Evolving...
Bought by 11 people
1 use

140 pts
Bought by 17 people
1 use

140 pts
Bought by 13 people
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