"i'll be a good pet ^-^ feed w dark chocos...pls!"
About me:
passionate about dark chocolate, music and words that speak of depth...
you don't have to be different, to be unique....and really things can only change if you make the first step.
About you:
anyone who loves to play music, games and has a funny sense of humor.
got myself a christmas tree. as i'll be away for christmas (am in melb til 25th of dec), Happy Christmas in advance!!! ^-^ miss you guys! mariel wong"Jelly's Bestest"Emo
- 16 years, 2 months, 24 days ago
Off to Melbourne tmw~ Will keep an update via my blog@ www.arielger.spaces.live.com! Will miss lynnie, my owner jelly! Sally! WD and YJ! and...OMG. a whole bunch of you guys. =D i'll take lots of pics of food and send back ok? ^-^
mariel wong"Jelly's Bestest"Emo
- 16 years, 3 months, 3 days ago
LG's newest Renoir 8MegaPixel phone...Mmmm Yummy. Deciding between this and the HTC HD. Hmmm...Or perhaps the Innov8?
mariel wong"Jelly's Bestest"Emo
- 16 years, 3 months, 27 days ago
Yea! Managed to get into the finals for the Nokia Lee Guitars Competition!~ Quite a fun time! But competition is so tough. Hope all goes well! -----> http://www.nokia.com.sg/rockguitar Kambate! >.< The songs submitted were: Wo ai ni bu ai wo & Bu gou jian qiang! all in my profile songs~
mariel wong"Jelly's Bestest"Emo
- 16 years, 3 months, 27 days ago
Went to Tokyo-Kobe-Osaka for a biz trip...and although it was a whirlwind journey, I still wana go back...very soon!
mariel wong"Jelly's Bestest"Emo
- 16 years, 4 months, 28 days ago