Sleepwalking past hope.

Name: |
Kevin Rosales, 34/Male
Last login: | over 3 weeks ago |
Local time: | 10:26 PM |
Join date: | 17 years, 3 months, 16 days ago |
Location: | Willimantic Connecticut United States
"It was perfect, It was Beautiful, No before, No After. It was everything, It was nothing," |
About me:
i'm kevin. i live, i go to school and i do my thing. nothing more, nothing less,
well, i love music. but that goes along with living.
About you:
Anyone who's interesting basically.
Looking for: | Friendship and dating |
Orientation: | Straight
| Herds (lead): | thumb it up! | Herds: | Musicians Unite, Mexico Zoo, World of Music (music sharing), thumbing 4 all! | |
Kevin's tales
The lonely 100 dollar bill. Once upon a time there was a hundred dollar bill named Benjamin. He was a lonely 100 dollar bill. No one ever liked taking him because they would give up too much change for him. One day Benjamin met a 20 dollar bill named Andrew, people liked Andrew. People liked him so much that everyone took him and even all the ATM machines gave him out. One day Benjamin just couldn’t take it anymore he always saw how Andrew was just so much more popular than him. So he asked Andrew what is was that made Andrew so popular. Andrew’s answer was simple. People liked him because we wasn’t very big and it made people look like they had more than they actually did. Then he told Benjamin that he too could be as popular as him, he just had to show people how cool and worthy he was. So Benjamin tried this new idea out. He thought it was working for a while as he saw that more and more people were looking at him and starting to appreciate his value. But little did he know that the only reason why more people were starting to look at him as because Andrew had paid them to start paying more attention to Benjamin just to make him feel better about himself and about how not many people liked him.
Kevin Rosales Sleepwalking past hope.
- 16 years, 6 months, 22 days ago
Benjamin soon found out And when he did he was furious, and he decided to never speak to Andrew ever again. Now at this point Benjamin was a very sad 100 dollar bill. And so one day he was just walking down the street and he saw a flyer that read “ feeling sad? Just feel like no one understands you or wants you around?. Then we’ve got the place for you. Come down to our facilities too meet other people such as yourself, and just watch as we turn your frown into a great big confident smile.” Benjamin decided to go, after all it’s not like it would hurt him to take another shot at happiness. When he got there he was incredibly surprised to find more 100 dollar bills. But they didn’t seem to be happy. He even thought that some of these 100 dollar bills were sexually challenged seeing how some of them wore make up and dyed their hair and such. Some were even wearing girls pants. Benjamin was very confused to see this. So he approached someone and asked if that was the place that was described in the flyer. The other 100 dollars bill said it sure is.
Kevin Rosales Sleepwalking past hope.
- 16 years, 6 months, 22 days ago
So he asked how come these 100 dollar bills didn’t seem to be happy like he was told he would be. So this other 100 dollar bill explained how these 100 dollar bills found happiness through poetry and showing their true emotions instead of hiding them, some even enjoyed writing acoustic songs. So he thought wow this could be my true ticket to happiness. So he started going there and doing what the other 100 dollar bills were doing. This soon became like heaven to him and he found that through poetry he could really express himself to the world without having to think that it’s stupid or just not good. He even picked up the local fashion and later just thought of it as normal clothing. One day he heard these other 100 dollar bills talking about a show that they would be attending that night. He was very curious about this and so he asked them what it was all about. They told him that they would go see an awesome band called I Am Ghost and so he asked if he could go even though he had never heard of them.
Kevin Rosales Sleepwalking past hope.
- 16 years, 6 months, 22 days ago
When they go there they waited outside in the cold for like 45 minutes, and during these 45 minutes he took the time to really examine where he was at and he knew that it was the happiest he had ever been. When they got inside he was very surprised to see that there was so many 100 dollar bills such as himself and the people he was with and he soon realized that they weren’t alone. When the band came on Benjamin thought it was amazing and he saw that the other 100 dollar bills were doing a strange dance. Between songs he asked one of them what kind of dance it was and the other 100 dollar bill simply answered “dude we’re just moshing” and went on as the new song started. Benjamin decided that he had to try it seeing how everyone was doing it. He was afraid at first because it seemed like everyone was just hitting each other but he soon found the courage and went in. Benjamin found this to be incredible and he soon found that this was truly the happiest he could ever be. When the show was over they went outside and to his surprise he saw Andrew there. But now he wasn’t as happy as he seemed before. He seemed to be miserable actually and hungry. Benjamin soon found out that Andrew had gotten AIDS and no one liked him anymore. And then they once again went of on their way. Benjamin was glad that he took on this new lifestyle and so every weekend he would attend these shows and life was just dandy for himTHE END
Kevin Rosales Sleepwalking past hope.
- 16 years, 6 months, 22 days ago
Kevin's Gallery
Abstract Art Stuff I've Done.
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