About me:
Helloooo! I'm Katie. or Kat. Whichever you'd prefer :D
I LOVE music. Especially indie, dance and 90's rubbish :D
I'm well known for my unfortunate typos, I type too quickly!
I think I'm friendly, people always tell me I am anyway, and I generally despise rudeness!
Things I like: skulls, frogs, monkeys, pretzels, rainbows, horses, piercings, loud music, snowflakes, birds, Marmite, laughing, riding, Dexter, funny people, funny faces, tattoos, individuality, The Walking Dead, old people, holding hands, silliness, cheese, rum, shoes, eyeliner, summer, family, sarcasm, laughing, zombies, glitter......................
Things I don't like: fire, fireworks, spiderwebs, rain, rude people, smuttiness, creepiness, crossing the road without a green man, belly button fluff, fire alarms, bullies, racism, hangovers, Robin Thicke, pushy people, people who don't clear up their dog's poo, cucumber, inconsiderate health workers, family, Ice Cream, cakes, Decaff coffee, too much sugar in my tea...