Anime Eye Candy:im falling asleep
Anime Eye Candy:again
Rox da world:i shud be falling asleep
Anime Eye Candy:yaysleep good
Rox da world:*slapz self*
StuntCock:jen less talj more put out
Anime Eye Candy:coffee good too
Anime Eye Candy:k.
Rox da world:xD
Rox da world:;o
Anime Eye Candy:better dex?
StuntCock:my life
StuntCock:has meaning once again
Anime Eye Candy:awesome
Anime Eye Candy:my boobs are just that epic
StuntCock:I thank thee oh glorious... something
Anime Eye Candy:they give meaning to life
StuntCock:they do
StuntCock:it was a long and arduous journey
StuntCock:but alas i arrived at your mamories
StuntCock:and i knew
StuntCock:there was a higher purpose
StuntCock:something to strive fro
********** at 8:38 AM Peter Pan left the room
StuntCock:aww my baby left me
StuntCock:i was so gonna hit that
********** at 8:38 AM Plout left the room
StuntCock:what a bitch
Anime Eye Candy:lol, aw
Rox da world:lmaoz
StuntCock:lou stole him from me
StuntCock:what a hoe
Jenny Lynn "JENeralHospital" Loving life and love my Inari :)
- 14 years, 6 months, 20 days ago